

在澳洲享負盛名的華裔明星主廚鄺凱莉(Kylie Kwong),雖然在澳洲土生土長,不懂中文,卻能煮出美味道地的中國菜,並用食物當作語言跑到兩岸三地,以美食與當地人交流,她曾經說:「I can’t speak it but I can cook it.」


她在澳洲開設的餐廳〈Billy Kwong〉被《紐約時報》美食專家 R. W. 阿普爾評鑑是「此生值得專程坐飛機一試的十大餐廳之一」。除了打理餐廳之外,鄺凱莉在澳洲的電視烹飪節目和食譜大受歡迎,成為澳洲最閃亮的明星主廚。她最受觀眾青睞的節目《凱莉的中國滋味》,是她走訪中國多個省份,煮出各地美食。自本週三起晚上七點半將在Discovery的旅遊生活頻道播出。
● 作品介紹
In the book accompanying her ABC TV series, Australian-Chinese chef Kylie Kwong gathers the recipes she loves to cook. From a fresh take on Chinese-restaurant c......
In this celebration of cultural and culinary inspirations, Kylie Kwong pre- sents her recipes for the fresh and approachable Chinese food served at her Sydney r......
Cooking Chinese food at home has never beer been easier- all you need is this book, a wok, a quick trip to the supermarket. Kylie Kwong's philosophy is to u......