青少年小說(Age 7-12)
The Nocturnals: The Mysterious Abductions (The Nocturnal series #1)
Tracy Hecht
Fabled Films Press
April 2016
● 內文簡介

★全球暢銷童書《雞皮疙瘩》(Goosebumps)系列作者RL史坦恩(R. L. Stine)盛情推薦!
★美國獨立書商夏季童書選書(Indie Next List Pick for Summer 2016)

美國獨立出版社Fabled Films Press今年四月推出童書系列《The Nocturnals》,核心主角是看似不搭軋的好友三人組:嚴肅的狐狸唐恩,貼心的穿山甲托賓,與身形迷你嗓門超大的蜜袋鼬(sugar glider)俾斯麥,每一段冒險故事都在夜晚世界裡動物角色的友情、團隊合作與詼諧幽默中精彩展開,有如紐伯瑞大獎得主《雙鼠記》(The Tales of Despereaux)融合動畫《馬達加斯加》、《動物方程市》與《玩具總動員》!

第一集《神秘的綁架案》(The Mysterious Abductions)裡,三人組要查出動物接二連三消失無蹤的真相。溫和的袋熊、神經質的跳鼠、一群土狼和幾隻古怪的蝙蝠加入他們的行列,展開一趟直探地球深處的旅程。只有依靠友誼、團隊合作,再加上無法預料的臨機應變,才能幫助三人組解開謎團,所有動物的存亡皆繫於這場戰役!

第二集《不祥的眼睛》(The Ominous Eye)將於九月出版:劇烈的地震讓地球受到重創,「深夜小隊」將要查明震動的來源。唐恩、托賓、俾斯麥遇見一隻他們不熟悉的爬蟲類,紐西蘭大蜥蜴,她向三人組透露,一隻巨大怪獸是這場破壞的始作俑者,而且即將再度攻擊。大蜥蜴的話值得信任嗎?深夜小隊在貓頭鷹、飛鼠、奇異鳥的協助下,精心佈置了一個陷阱,投降可不是他們的風格!



● 作者簡介

Tracey Hecht is a writer and entrepreneur who has written, directed and produced for film. When she isn’t writing she can be found hiking, reading or spending time with her family. Tracey currently splits her time between New York City and Oquossoc, Maine with her husband, four children and three pets—none of which are a sugar glider.


● 媒體報導

"The Nocturnals is an enchanting story about a group of animals who band together to protect their friends and find adventure. The characters are delightful and the nighttime landscape is captivating. It was just as I expected—because the best stories always take place in the dark!"— R.L. Stine, author of Goosebumps

"A delightful adventure about the power of uncommon traits and the joys of newfound friendship."— Kirkus Reviews

“This new series documents the exploits of The Nocturnals, an unlikely trio who protect their fellow jungle denizens from all sorts of calamities—in this adventure, kidnappers…The characters are humorous and well developed, and the fast-moving plot features intrigue, unexpected twists, and the innovative hybrid hockey game. Accessible to upper elementary while sufficiently sophisticated for middle school, this new animal fantasy series should prove popular."— Booklist

“Tracey Hecht’s first novel is an appealing page-turner for middle-school readers, combining a likable cadre of unusual animal characters with fast-paced, clever dialogue and, of course, plenty of suspense.”— BookPage