A Message to the Sea
Alex Shearer
Hot Key Books
June 2016
● 內文簡介


There's no telling who might write back. A charming and beautifully written story about a young boy who puts a message in a bottle which changes his entire life.
It's been a year since Tom Pellow's dad was lost at sea. He was a sailor and Tom also finds himself drawn to the vast ocean; it holds so many possibilities, dangers and secrets. After hearing a song on the radio, Tom decides to write a message in a bottle, and throw it out into the sea. To 'cast his bread upon the waters'. He doesn't really expect to hear back, but Tom keeps writing anyway, sending messages out on the tide and searching the waves for a reply. One day he finds one. It's a letter that seems to be from a ghost, deep down in Davy Jones's Locker - and the writer has a shocking answer to Tom's question.

But if Tom's dad didn't perish at sea, where is he?

A charming and beautifully written story about grief, hope and miracles.


● 作者簡介

Alex Shearer 是一位英國小說家暨劇作家,已出版無數本成人和青少年的小說,參與電視劇、電影、舞臺劇和廣播節目的編劇工作,成就非凡。他撰寫的劇作曾榮獲英國電影和電視藝術學院獎(BAFTA),也曾憑藉小說《The Speed of the Dark》入圍提名衛報兒童小說獎。他的兒童文學作品還有《The Great Blue Yonder》、《Tins》和《The Hunted》等。


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