The Way I Used To Be
Amber Smith
Margaret K. McElderry Books
March 2016
● 內文簡介


新銳作家Amber Smith初試啼聲的青少年小說《The Way I Used to Be》透過毫不掩飾的寫實筆觸,赤裸的描述一位少女在經歷了嚴重的創傷之後,如何從封閉、墮落,進而逐步釋懷,並重新找回自我的心路轉折,是一部令人心碎、震驚、卻充滿豐沛情感的感人作品。







《The Way I Used to Be》透過作者真實赤裸的剖析,清楚的描繪出難以言喻的心痛、友誼與親情的可貴,以及包容的力量。是一部發人深省的處女作小說。


● 作者簡介

Amber Smith 在水牛城與紐約這兩個美國城市中長大,獲得繪畫藝術學士學位之後,取得歷史碩士學位。曾撰寫許多關於藝術史的文章。寫作之餘,她也擔任美術顧問及評論的工作。本書《The Way I Used to Be》是她的第一部小說。 關於她的更多資訊,請參考網站: AmberSmithAuthor.com.


● 媒體報導

'A poignant and painfully honest survival story about the aftermath of trauma. Amber Smith weaves Eden's narrative with a deft, empathetic touch that doesn't shy away from difficult truths. This is a courageous, necessary, and beautiful book.' Kathleen Glasgow, author of Girl in Pieces,

'A raw novel that’ll stay with you long after you finish.' Buzzfeed

'A difficult, painful journey, but teens who have experienced rape and abuse will be grateful for this unvarnished and ultimately hopeful portrait. Eden’s shell-shocked narrative is an excellent narrative conduit for what Smith has to say.' Booklist

'*This is a poignant book that realistically looks at the lasting effects of trauma on love, relationships, and life… Teens will be reminded of Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak. VERDICT: An important addition for every collection.' School Library Journal

'Eden is a young woman silenced by threat and shame, but so too is she a character who will inspire hope, for her extraordinarily gripping story is not only a call for action but a reminder of the power we find within ourselves to overcome and survive.' Amy Beashel, author of We Are All Constellations

'After finishing this book, my heart was pounding and I couldn’t find words big enough to describe how brilliant, beautiful, and powerful it is.' L.E. Flynn, author of All Eyes On Her

'This young adult novel is an unflinching look at the struggles of a rape victim to process her trauma and find the strength to rebuild her life.'
Laurie Halse Anderson, author of Speak

'Readers will root for her as she gathers the courage, at last, to speak up.' B&N Teen Blog

'This isn’t an easy read, but it’s an important one… I was incredibly moved by Smith’s powerful writing, and Eden’s story of growth and survival is one you won’t want to miss. You’ll be thinking about this one long after you read that final page.' Seventeen Magazine

'The Way I Used To Be is an intensely gripping and raw look at secrets, silence, speaking out, and survival in the aftermath of a sexual assault. A must-have for every collection that serves teens.' SLJ / Teen Librarian Toolbox

'The Way I Used to Be explores the aftermath of sexual assault with a precision and searing honesty that is often terrifying, sometimes eerily beautiful, and always completely true. It is The Hero’s Journey through a distorted circus mirror – one girl’s quest to turn desperation into courage, to become a survivor instead of a victim. Amber Smith gets it exactly right.' Amy Reed, author of The Nowhere Girls