The Haunting of Sunshine Girl: Sunshine Girl Book #1
Paige McKenzie and Alyssa Sheinmel
Weinstein Books
March 2015
● 內文簡介

《陽光女孩撞邪記》(Sunshine Girls Series)改編自點閱率高達1.3億次的YouTube爆紅系列影片,由拍攝該影片的少女佩姬‧麥肯錫,(Paige McKenzie)與《紐約時報》暢銷青少年小說家Alyssa Sheinmel共同攜手打造的青少年小說三部曲。

首部曲 《The Haunting of Sunshine Girl》於2015年出版後,隨即進入《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,至今共賣出150,000冊,並售出英、法、德、義、巴、土、匈等7國外語版權。

故事敘述:少女陽光(Sunshine Griffith)在過完16歲生日後不久,就和母親凱特(Kate)從陽光普照的德州奧斯丁,搬到了陰雨綿綿的華盛頓州。雖然陽光並非凱特的親生女兒,但是兩人總是親密無間,彼此分享著生活之中的酸甜苦辣。



就在陽光和新學校裡的同學分享自己的遭遇之後,一個略帶著書呆子氣息的可愛男孩諾蘭(Nolan Foster),表示自己相當熱衷於攝影──透過鏡頭捕捉各種靈異現象,並願意協助陽光找出在房子裡作怪的,究竟是何方神聖?而他們究竟想要什麼?




● 作者簡介

佩姬‧麥肯錫(Paige McKenzie), 年僅16歲時就與知名電影製片Nick Hagen,及身為演員的母親Mercedes Rose一同合作,在YouTube影音平台推出《陽光女孩撞邪記》的系列節目,這一連串令人寒毛直豎的視頻締造出1.3億次超高點閱率。佩姬陽光女孩的形象更是深植人心。更被知名少女雜誌《Seventeen》評選為最令人驚艷的人物之一。現居於美國波特蘭。

Alyssa Sheinmel 成長於北加州及紐約,畢業於巴納德學院。美國青少年小說家,著有《Faceless》、《Second Star》及《The Beautiful Between》等書,現居於紐約,專心從事文字工作。


● 媒體報導

“Sunshine’s adventure is filled with bumps in the night and shadowy figures, alluding to a larger mystery and larger world that has plenty to offer imaginative readers who grew up onGoosebumps and the like. Suspenseful, exciting and endlessly entertaining.”
— Kirkus Review

“Sunshine’s story started as a YouTube series, and this creepy, suspenseful story condenses the plot of the original and offers a more polished voice than the videos. Existing fans won’t be the only ones eager for more of this strong but vulnerable heroine just awakening to her potential.”
— Booklist (Grades 7–10)

“This sometimes frightening tale and series opener is based on a YouTube channel of the same name, so transmedia fans can enjoy both formats. Readers who appreciated Holly Black’s Doll Bones (2013) or Cassandra Clare’s City of Bones series ... should consider picking up this creepy debut.”
— Julie Zimmerman, School Library Journal

"The plot moves along smoothly and rapidly, and the writing is graceful and wonderfully polished... It’s hard not to finish The Haunting of Sunshine Girl."
— Lev Grossman, Time Magazine