Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts Trilogy #1)
Victoria James
Macmillan (UK)/ Del Rey (US)
January 2017
● 內文簡介

★Pan Macmillan出版社2017年度重點書
★已授權英、美、德、法、土、西/加泰隆、俄、巴、匈 (all 3-book deals), 9國語文!
★網路創作平台Wattpad年度最熱話題獎(Talk of the Town Prize)得主!

2015年法蘭克福書展前《書商》雜誌報導Pan Macmillan/Tor UK重金簽下「Slavedays」(新書名:Gilded Cage)奇幻YA三部曲英國版權,編輯形容這部新人小說「煙火一般」令人驚豔,激動之情溢於言表。隨後,《冰與火之歌》作者喬治馬丁所屬美國出版社Del Rey也競價簽下三部曲,法蘭克福書展前夕德國出版社相繼提報!

本書作者Victoria James是現任BBC電視製作人,也為《衛報》、《獨立報》、《新政治家》等媒體撰寫書評。她首先在讀者眾多的網路創作平台Wattpad發表《Slavedays》初稿,並在今年一月頒發的Watty Awards贏得年度最熱話題獎,是網友討論最熱烈的奇幻小說。其中一位讀者巧喻本書為「《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》融合《唐頓莊園》,在一個佛地魔獲勝的世界」。



《Gilded Cage》背景設定在另一個時空的現代英國,每位平民都要服十年的奴隸役(Slavedays),為擁有魔法能力的貴族階層做牛做馬,之後才能成為完全的「公民」,獲得更好的身分與經濟報酬。你可以自行決定履行義務的時間,法定最低年齡是十歲。





《Gilded Cage》節奏明快,人物形象鮮明,豐富的細節與奔放想像力使得半架空半真實的世界極具說服力,加上令人認同的青少年主角、階級反叛的主題,亦被與《骸骨季節》(The Bone Season)與《紅星革命》(Red Rising)相提並論,圍繞著反叛與背叛,架構出充滿情感衝突張力與魔法魅力的故事。



● 作者簡介

Victoria James is a current affair TV producer/director for the BBC. She read History & English at Oxford, followed by a PhD in the literature of the reign of Charles I (his death is the divergence point of theSlavedays alternate universe). She authors Guardian Books blogs and reviews fiction for the Independent and New Statesman.


● 媒體報導

James’s clever debut, first published on Wattpad, introduces an alternate present day in which British society is stratified into aristocrats, who have magical skill, and mundane commoners, who are required by law to spend 10 years serving the skilled. . . .The setting is so interesting that readers will eagerly suspend disbelief, and James drops tantalizing hints about how the rest of the world treats those who do and don’t have access to magic. Brisk plotting, sympathetic characters, and plenty of intrigue will keep readers on the edges of their seats, eager for the next book in a very promising series.
Publishers Weekly Starred Review

At first glance, the world of James’ first novel seems familiar, but that illusion is quickly dispelled. The monarchy has long since been destroyed—the British aristocracy has been replaced with Equals, people born with magical gifts, who lord it over the commoners with their powers. The story starts just before siblings Abi and Luke begin the 10 years of slavery mandated for all commoners (i.e., those without magic). Unexpectedly separated, they quickly learn how little they understood of the Equals as their views of the world shift. Luke adapts to life in a factory town by joining a rebellion, while Abi and the rest of the family live together but grow apart while serving a powerful family of Equals. Nobody emerges unscathed from their slavery years, as the Hadley family can attest after mere months of service. The twists and turns make this book hard to set down; a second read may reveal many details that readers might breeze past the first time through. Readers will eagerly await the rest of the trilogy started here.