Mexico: Bk.3
Sebastian Rook
15 April 2005
● 內文簡介

A torch flared and burned with an orange flame. Its flickering light chased away the blackness, revealing the dark figure that held it – and many, many more. Jack gazed up at the silent audience and saw with a chill that the torchlight shone red in a hundred vampire eyes...

The vampires are on the march, and Jack, Ben and Emily are in the race of their lives – and for their lives. Finally, they are on the track of the last piece of the ancient amulet. Its incredible power will make the Mayan vampire god Camazotz invincible, and plunge the world into everlasting darkness – if he gets to it first.

The amulet is hidden in a temple, temple, deep in the Mayan jungle – somewhere. The three friends are only a few days ahead of Camazotz and his vampire followers, and they have no idea where to start. The odds essm hopeless – but hiving up means the end of the world...


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