My Mum and Other Horror Stories
Meg Harper
Lion Hudson Plc
17 April 2003
● 內文簡介

'Go and write about it' said Dad. 'Go on.You want to be a writer – it'll make a good sit- com one day. You'll feel a lot better when you've got it off your chest.'

'I want to write horror stories not sit-coms.' I said.

'The idea of your mum on that bike is a horror story...'

Growing up is never easy. Especially with a well-meaning and eccentric mum like Kate's. When she's not trying to keep a pig in the garden or letting to keep a pig in the rever, she has car slide into the river, she has a knack of embarrassing Kate in front of her friends, especially Chas, the only good-looking boy in her class.

After one really bad day, Kate takes up her dad's advice to 'get it off her chest'...'


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