銷量亮眼的作家Chole Rayban的最新力作!
My Life Starring Mum
Chloe Rayban
BBloomsbury Press
May 2006
● 內文簡介

Imagine being born the daughter of a mega-star. Inexhaustibly rich, unbelievably famous, and by a chance of fate trapped in an ultra-luxurious prison - the Royal Trocadero Hotel. Holly Bliss Winterman's mother is a mega-star. Literally. She has trouble finding time to squeeze Holly in between facials and press interviews - without the help of her trusty PA. But when someone threatens to kidnap Holly, her mother decides the safest place for Holly is by her side - then they can also spend more 'quality time' together. Oh no. What does a girl do when there's a kidnap threat hanging over you and you're not allowed to venture outside? When your Mum wants to turn you into a mini-version of herself, but you'd rather be a vet? Holly must struggle to assert her personality against all the odds.


● 作者簡介

Chole Rayban的上本著作《Love in Cyberia》入圍卡內基兒童文學獎和Guardian Fiction Prize。《My Life Starring Mum》是她的最新青少年小說。她現住法國。


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