El Deafo
Cece Bell and David Lasky
Amulet Books, Abrams Books
September 2014
248 pp
● 內文簡介

★Apple TV+卡通《大耳朵超人》原著,入圍哈維獎最佳漫畫/圖文小說改編

來自得獎作家希希.貝爾(Cece Bell)的自傳式漫畫,幽默、輕鬆地講述了她聽不見的童年,點亮一個曾叫人自卑不已的缺陷。






● 作者簡介

希希.貝爾(Cece Bell),紐伯瑞獎與威爾.艾斯納獎得獎作家,另著有《Rabbit and Robot》,榮獲蘇斯博士獎。在成為全職作家前,才華洋溢的她也曾任插畫師和設計師。目前她和作家丈夫Tom Angleberger現居美國維吉尼亞州克里斯琴斯堡(Christianburg)。

大衛.拉斯基(David Lasky),知名漫畫家。拉斯基為60年代美國地下漫畫興起的主要推手之一,專門創作與主流市場有別的漫畫作。他曾多次榮獲美國Ignatz Awards,一項專門肯定獨立漫畫/卡通家的殊榮,亦曾多次擔任評審。他現居西雅圖。


● 媒體報導

"Bell’s book should be an inspiration for those who are ‘different,’ and it should help others to understand just what being different means. Required reading isn’t always fun reading. El Deafo should be the first and is definitely the second."―New York Times Book Review

"This funny and poignant memoir in graphic novel format about a child grappling with hearing loss, entering school and making friends is ideal for kids navigating new experiences."―Shelf Awareness

"Her whimsical color illustrations (all the human characters have rabbit ears and faces), clear explanations and Cece’s often funny adventures help make the memoir accessible and entertaining."―Kirkus Reviews, starred review

"This warmly and humorously illustrated full-color graphic novel set in the suburban ‘70s has all the gripping characters and inflated melodrama of late childhood: a crush on a neighborhood boy, the bossy friend, the too-sensitive-to-her-Deafness friend, and the perfect friend, scared away."―School Library Journal, starred review

"This memoir is thus exceptionally informative and entertaining in relation to some aspects of deaf communication, but, most centrally and powerfully, it is exceptional for its perceptive, indomitable protagonist and complex story of friendship, growth, and classroom and family dynamics."―The Horn Book Magazine, starred review

"Bell’s earnest rabbit/human characters, her ability to capture her own sonic universe (“eh sounz lah yur unnah wawah!”), and her invention of an alter ego—the cape-wearing El Deafo, who gets her through stressful encounters . . . all combine to make this a standout autobiography."―Publishers Weekly, starred review

‘’Sweet, funny, poignant and definitely not just for kids.’’ ―The Guardian