Girl Geeks #1: The Hackathon
Alex Miles
Penguin Random House Australia
Jul. 2019
● 內文簡介

Get your geek on with this girl gang as they design, make, game, hack, code and more! Developed in partnership with Girl Geek Academy.

Hamsa’s teacher has announced that their class will be doing their very own hackathon.

A hack-a-what? thinks Hamsa. She doesn’t know anything about tech or coding!

Can Hamsa and her team come up with the goods or will things fall apart as she plays it too cool for school?


● 作者簡介

Alex Miles publishes her first play at age seventeen, Melbourne-based writer Alex Miles has worked across theatre, television and advertising. She wrote under the penname H.I. Larry for eight books in the Zac Power series, imparted wedding wisdom with the book Sixty Secrets for a Happy Bride, excited readers across the country with her children's series, Starring Olive Black, and was a contributing author in Letters to my Teenage Self and Total Quack Up! With two young boys, Freddy and George (who weren't named after the Weasley twins), Alex juggles her time between motherhood, writing and presenting in schools.


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