Numbers #3: Infinity
Rachel Ward
Chicken House
Feb. 2012
325 pp
● 內文簡介




● 作者簡介

Rachel Ward 英國小說家,《Numbers》是她的處女作小說,出版後獲得熱烈的迴響。水石書店編輯集體推薦,英國眾多讀書俱樂部更對本書一致好評,上市後迅速佔領各大排行榜。她也是一名訓練有素的地理學家,為地方政府工作多年。2006年時,她憑藉短篇小說榮獲得年度Frome Festival本地作家大獎。而這個故事後來成了《Numbers》的創作靈感。


● 媒體報導

“ … Ward’s first novel is a fast-paced thriller with deep philosophical roots and tremendous empathy for those who don’t fit the mold, not to mention a jawdropping ending that stands alone beautifully while whetting readers’ appetites for the sequel … A fascinating premise, creatively explored.” BOOKLIST (USA)

“… Numbers is a high-concept, it-could-go-anywhere idea taken down an unexpected and interesting route. Seeminly downbeat, it is both intelligent and life-affirming. First-time author Rachel Ward is certainly one to watch. But I’d avoid eye-contact if I were you.” PHILIP ARDAGH, THE GUARDIAN

“Numbers is a gritty, fast-paced, powerful thriller which takes the idea of an individual’s “number being up” to a shocking and dramatic level … An accomplished, debut teenage novel from a promising author.” THE SCHOOL LIBRARIAN

‘ … compulsive and oh so clever.’ WATERSTONES BOOKS QUARTERLY