青少年小說 (Age 6+)
Captain Pug: The Adventure of Pug #1
Laura James and Églantine Ceulemans
May 2016
● 內文簡介

★ 入圍2017「水石兒童書獎」決選名單

《巴哥犬船長》(Captain Pug)是系列兒童小說《巴哥犬的冒險》(The Adventure of Pug)的首部曲,透過詼諧逗趣,且充滿童真與想像力的故事,講述友誼與冒險的勇氣,書中搭配可愛生動的三色插畫,吸引孩子們的目光,更為閱讀增添許多樂趣。

巴哥犬(Pug)和他的主人米蘭妲小姐(Lady Miranda)居住在一幢富麗堂皇的房子裡。某個風和日麗的晴朗早晨,米蘭妲小姐和巴哥犬吃完了美味的果醬塔當早餐,決定到湖邊遊玩。她興奮的將巴哥犬打扮成水手的模樣,開心的出門。




● 作者簡介

Laura James從小就展現對於說故事的熱愛,大學時主修電影,之後獲得青少年文學寫作碩士學位。本書《Captain Pug》的故事靈感,來自於她傻呼呼的愛犬Brian的行為,雖然牠從沒有嘗試過航海遠行。

Églantine Ceulemans 出生成長於比利時,之後前往法國學習插畫。繪畫之餘,熱衷做菜、洗窗戶和騎腳踏車,現居於法國里昂。


● 媒體報導

"Pug is a fun, engaging character, while Lady Miranda is caring and will remind young readers of Fancy Nancy and Eloise. . . . Fans of dogs and animal adventures will have a hard time putting this one down." - starred review, Library Journal

"Newcomer James creates a quirky, mixed-up setting . . . and Ceulemans's airy pen-and-ink drawings, accented with peach and bright blue, draw out the story's physical comedy." - Publishers Weekly

"Offers likable characters in sweet, devoted, and clueless Pug and his privileged young white mistress . . . their silly, simple adventure is sure to please young Anglophiles (and pugophiles)." - Kirkus Reviews

"This charming chapter book will delight young readers ready to tackle longer stories. The breezy tone and adventurous plot will keep the pages turning, while comical illustrations--accented with blue and red--add to the fun. This playful story is sure to make a splash with fans of Alex T. Smith's Claude books or Kate DiCamillo's Mercy Watson series." - Booklist