The Witch Trade
Michael Molloy,
Chicken House
Sep 2002
● 內文簡介

" I thought witches were only in fairy tales", said Abby doubtfully.

"Oh, no " The captain shook his head.

" There's always been witches – good ones and bad ones. And what's more, they've been battling each" each other forever

bby Clover lived very normal life. Until.

Until a boy named Spike washes ashore, unable to remember where he came from or why he speaks the language of the sea.

Until Abby discovers how to make herself invisible.

Until a stranger with mystifying powers and a hidden past comes to town and changes Abby Clover's normal life forever.

Now Abby and Spike must join the stranger. Captain Adam Starlight, on a perilous journey to battle the evil Night Witches – an enemy darker and dirtier than they could ever have imagined.


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