Little Grey and the Great Mystery (書名中譯:《小》)
Rachel Rivett, Illustrated by Dubravka Kolanovic
Lion Press
January 2006
● 內文簡介

Little Grey is an inquisitive squirrel. “What do you know of the Great Mystery from where we all come?” he asks his grandmother.

She sends him off on a wonderful adventure. He gathers the thoughts of Sister Crow, Brother Stream, Father Tree and Grandmother Moon; they each tell him what they understand of the world, and Little Grey returns with a deeper understanding of the great love that cradles him and surrounds each and every one of us.


● 作者簡介

Rachel Rivett lives in Hampshire with her artist husband and their three children. She studied Dramatic Arts at Bretton Hall Arts College in Yorkshire and has since worked in many schools, youth and art centres helping young people to explore the challenges of their lives creatively and imaginatively.


● 媒體報導