Feminist Baby
Loryn Brantz
Hyperion / Disney
April 2017
● 內文簡介

★ 授出西、義2國外語版權
★ 由美國媒體公司Tornante TV拿下電視/電影版權
★ 迪士尼旗下出版社Hyperion以六位數高價買下英文版權

得獎童書作家暨動畫設計師Loryn Brantz的最新創作《女權寶寶》(Feminist Baby)是一部振奮人心、充滿智慧,且令人會心而笑的繪本作品。2017年春季出版後,立即獲得各方媒體與讀者的好評,並在社群網路中掀起一陣熱潮。



● 作者簡介

Loryn Brantz 得獎童書作家,曾於2010年以《Harvey the Child Mime》榮獲「月光童書獎最佳繪本作品」,她同時也是一名動畫設計師,曾為許多知名動畫電視節目,擔任藝術設計,獲得兩次「艾美獎」提名。她也是知名網站「BuzzFeed」的資深編輯暨插畫家。更多資訊請參考作者官網: www.lorynbrantz.com


● 媒體報導

“What makes a feminist baby? According to Brantz, it’s a combination of joy (either from pounding on pots or from going pants-free), self-expression (dressing oneself in a necktie, woolen hat, and outrageously frilly skirt), and doing things her own way: “Feminist baby likes pink and blue/ Sometimes she’ll throw up on you!” With a palette as brash as her heroine, Brantz pictures this boundary-free little one as a big-eyed, roly-poly dumpling, usually not wearing any more than a diaper and a hair bow. It’s just the thing to encourage kids to be loud, proud, and uncowed.” ---- Publishers Weekly

“Adapted from Brantz’s viral comic, this charming board book will amuse budding feminists and their adults. The title character refuses to be limited by gender stereotypes. She loves pink and blue; she plays with dolls and cars. The rambunctious little one revels in her body, her love of music, and her absolute baby-ness. The rhyming text is singsong and makes for a great read-aloud. The large, expressive eyes; bold lines and font; and bright, cartoonish illustrations will delight the youngest of readers. The strong girl power message makes feminism and following your dreams accessible to toddlers. The final image, of Feminist Baby in Rosie the Riveter–inspired garb, will elicit chuckles and bring the message home. VERDICT A laugh-out-loud, smart, and much-needed addition to board book collections.” ---- School Library Journal

“An engaging and poignant board book that belongs on every little one’s bookshelf.” ---- Kirkus Review