The First Slodge
Jeanne Willis and Jenni Desmond
Little Tiger
April 2015
● 內文簡介

★ 榮獲2015 英國「Junior Design Award」最佳創新插畫

★ 入圍2016 英國「Prima Baby Award」決選

英國著名的得獎童書作家珍妮‧威利斯(Jeanne Willis)擅長以無厘頭的獨特幽默感,描繪出充滿豐富情感與戲劇張力的精采故事。《The First Slodge》這部獲得家長與媒體們一致推薦的繪本創作,同樣是一個充滿創意與獨特發想的可愛故事。作者透過這個有趣的作品傳達出友誼、分享的重要性,同時更希望孩子們能夠清楚的瞭解:「地球上的資源是屬於我們每一個人的!」。











● 作者簡介

珍妮‧威利斯(Jeanne Willis) 得獎童書作家,曾著有許多膾炙人口的兒童創作,被翻拍成電影、動畫,並被翻譯成多國語言,在不同國家出版作品包括《蝌蚪的諾言》、《阿寶的生日禮物》以及《這一點都不好笑》…等。現與丈夫及兩個女兒居住在英國倫敦。

Jenni Desmond 畢業於劍橋藝術學院,主修童書插畫。之後在英國倫敦成立工作室,擅長以拼貼、油彩與色鉛筆從事創作。她的第一本兒童繪本創作曾榮獲2013年劍橋兒童圖畫書獎。


● 媒體報導

Part quirky creation myth, part friendship fable... an inviting setting for readers to explore themes of friendship, sharing, and stewardship. --- Publishers Weekly

Written like a spider’s web – delicate and strong – The First Slodge contains equally impressive illustrations, full of flowing movement and energy with a sumptuous palette of soothing and sophisticated greens and blues. --- Playing By the Book Blog

A witty tale of a strange creature who wants to keep everything to itself, the message underlying this book is that sharing and friendship are far more rewarding than ownership. We like the originality and the simple illustrations. --- Mr Fox Magazine

We love the way this book wraps up - with a joyous page spread celebrating the diversity of life and how we truly do take for granted how we share our space in the world with a zillion other amazing creatures. But ... The Slodge is definitely the star and we absolutely ADORE her, squishy and green as she is! --- Read It Daddy Blog

Learning to take a place in society and to become yourself amongst others that share the world with you is a large undertaking for a children’s picturebook. But with careful text and sensitivity towards the Slodge and her journey, Jeanne Willis has pulled it off beautifully. This coupled with Jenni Desmond’s friendly, playful illustrations (with fantastic facial expressions) deliver the large undertaking marvellously. The First Slodge is an original read with a superb sense of judgement and understanding, and I would gift this book to any child, young or old. --- Children's Books Ireland

A new text from Jeanne Willis is always a cause for celebration and this pairing with new illustration talent Jenni Desmond could introduce her fabulous writing to a style-savvy audience... [The First Slodge] is a gentle story that will capture the imagination and create conversation. A brilliant book, recommended for all! --- Books for Keeps