Where Butterflies Fill the Sky: A Story of Immigration, Family, and Finding Home
Zahra Marwan
Bloomsbury Publishing
March 2022
48 pp
● 內文簡介

★2022插畫家協會迪利斯‧埃文斯(Dilys Evans)創立獎得主
★作者Zahra Marwan為聯合國少數族群藝術獎授獎者





《蝴蝶漫天飛舞的所在》(Where Butterflies Fill the Sky)以充滿童心的線條,簡單的口吻,講述作者Zahra Marwan由於父親的無國籍身份,全家被迫移民到美國的親身經驗。這個故事讀來簡單卻深沉,散發著融入新土地的希望,也心繫著那片美麗純淨,永遠代表著自己的故鄉。


● 作者簡介

Zahra Marwan,得獎童書作家、插畫家,預計出版作品另有《The Sunflowers, Feiwel & Friends》(預計2023秋季出版)、《Fishermans New Year》(預計2024年出版)。Marwan生長於兩座沙漠之間,一座緊鄰科威特的海邊,另一座遠在美國新墨西哥州的山谷邊。她曾於法國學習視覺藝術,走入童書創作生涯後獲獎無數,現居新墨西哥州。


● 媒體報導

"The interplay of simple, literal prose and complex, figurative illustration here lifts this sensitive and useful picture book on immigration into an inviting exploration of how experiences are transformed by time and memory." - BCCB, starred review

"Every page includes tiny imaginative details to enchant attentive readers: flowers, birds, fish, prayer beads, oud, guitarrón, and much more. This sensitive and beautifully depicted story should touch all young readers, regardless of family background or origin." - School Library Journal, starred review

"Utterly original and enjoyable from start to finish." - NPR

"With loose, thin-lined illustrations that reflect the child's feelings of being unmoored, this spare picture book thoughtfully explores the difficulties of limited childhood perspective and settling in a new place." -Publishers Weekly

"A colorful, captivating odyssey for younger readers."- Shelf Awareness

"A nuanced representation of belonging and citizenship that will ring true for many whose sense of home has never been absolute."- The Horn Book

"The affectionate text is accompanied by traditionally created watercolor illustrations, the palette conveying the feel and beauty of the places featured in the book. A valuable insight into the world of immigration and displacement."- Kirkus Reviews

"Zahra Marwan's stylistic ink and watercolor illustrations are magnificent, incorporating motifs, memories, and colors of both cultures throughout . . . This book seamlessly connects the two cultures, enhancing this simply told story rich in the concepts of immigration, family, and home."- School Library Connection

"In this dreamlike memoir, Marwan recounts her family's immigration from Kuwait to New Mexico in sparse prose and whimsical, vibrant watercolor illustrations." - Booklist