加拿大教育發展機構 Neufeld Institute認證書籍
The Sorry Plane
Deborah MacNamara and Zoe Si
Aona Management Inc
November 2019
● 內文簡介

★加拿大教育發展機構 Neufeld Institute認證書籍
★《Rest, Play, Grow》暢銷作家Deborah MacNamara與《紐約客》雜誌特約繪者Zoe Si攜手合作




結合藝術家Zoe Si線條精美且平易近人的插圖,《The Sorry Plane》教導孩童學會和心中的真實情緒作連結,告訴他們一個好的道歉,代表的是發自內心的道歉,也教會大人如何珍視孩子關心他人的美好情懷。

《The Sorry Plane》獲得加拿大教育發展機構 Neufeld Institute 推薦認證,作品符合發展科學及Gordon Neufeld 博士所認證之人際發展方法。


● 作者簡介

Dr. Deborah MacNamara,童書作家暨資深教育家、醫療諮詢人員,她的暢銷書包括《Rest, Play, Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers (or anyone who acts like one)》。Deborah於加拿大教育發展機構 Neufeld Institute服務,專供兒童與青少年發展,並和眾多家長、兒童照護者、教育家,以及研究心理健康的專家有所交流。此外,她也持續創作,接受電台、電視台採訪,在兒童與青少年發展科學這個區塊有所貢獻。Deborah 現在與丈夫及兩個小孩定居於溫哥華。

Zoe Si,漫畫家、插畫家、英屬哥倫比亞大學法律博士(Juris Doctor degree),並有數年的執業經驗。現在她專門繪製兒童書籍、卡通,並為《紐約客》雜誌撰寫有趣的文章。 Zoe 擁有源源不絕的創作靈感,總是沉浸在她所講的笑話之中,並時刻探索著如何用她的藝術形式,講述身邊的故事。


● 媒體報導

“It is my hope that The Sorry Plane lands in every home with children as it delivers such insight into the value and importance of giving and receiving a heartfelt sorry when the time is right.”——Bridgett Miller, Early Childhood Educator

“A simple yet powerful message of faith in the developmental process and in the virtue of patience to allow Nature to do its wonderful work with our children.”——Gordon Neufeld, Psychologist and Director, Neufeld Institute

“The Sorry Plane so eloquently shows us why it is important to give children lots of time to process all of their emotions. When Molly's "sorry" came back, it was heartfelt and authentic!”——Eva de Gosztonyi, Psychologist

“This is a beautifully illustrated story that will soften the hearts of children and help them find their true feelings. All teachers and parents should read this book to their students or children.”——David McFall, Elementary School Principal

“Deborah has a beautiful way of translating a child's thoughts and emotions in a kind, generous, and nurturing way. Sometimes saying sorry is hard. It challenges us to admit we made a mistake, had an accident, or maybe even did something wrong. Giving children the space and grace to come to their own sorry ensures that the child doesn't feel the pain of vulnerability or shame. The Sorry Plane is perfectly sweet and has a way of teaching that sometimes it takes time to find our sorries. We can all learn from this!”——Traci Costa, CEO and Founder, Peekaboo Beans