I am Smoke
Henry Herz and Merce Lopez
Tilbury House
Sep. 2021
● 內文簡介


在書中,煙娓娓道來:「我沒有嘴巴,但我能說話……我沒有手,但我可以趕走不速之客……我比羽毛還溫柔,但我也會造成傷害……」。作者Henry Herz把煙稱為「旋轉翻滾的迷霧」,不論使用煙用來安撫蜜蜂或給食物調味時的平凡感,還是通過熏香的祈禱儀式時的神聖感,都同樣重要。節奏感強而有力的敘述,反映了煙霧在自然界和人類文明中的作用。

繪者Mercè López利用了一種獨特的技術,畫面上的煙由真實的煙霧產生,而後再用Photoshop和水彩進行修飾,形造出如薄紗般的細膩景致,有希臘人薰蒸寺廟的場景、煙霧在星空中流淌和營火中的黑暗之舞等。



● 作者簡介

Henry Herz是一位來自加州聖地牙哥的作家,創作的短篇兒童小說曾在《Highlights for Children》和《Ladybug Magazine》等發表,至今出版的著作超過10本,包括成人科幻小說《Beyond the Pale》和《Forgotten Ons》。他擁有康奈爾大學工程學士學位、喬治華盛頓大學工程碩士學位和喬治城大學政治學碩士學位。

Mercè López出生於西班牙巴賽隆納,畢業於巴賽隆納Llotja藝術學校,不僅曾為戲劇和電影等設計插畫,也為西班牙和國際圖書出版商的童書創作繪圖。在2019年,憑《Lion of the Sky: Hailu for All Seasons》獲得多個星級評論,又榮獲Gryphon Honor Book、NCTE Notable Poetry Book、科克斯最佳繪本獎和雜誌《Parents》的最佳童書獎等。


● 媒體報導

"Herz presents a provocative and unique look at the lifecycle and benefits of smoke throughout the millennia. Lopez's multimedia artwork further illuminates the ethereal nature of smoke as it drifts and dances across the page."- John Rocco, author/illustrator of the Caldecott Honor book BLACKOUT

"A fascinating, refreshing, and beautifully atmospheric take on something often taken for granted. I'll never look at smoke the same way again!"- Matthew Cordell, author/illustrator of the Caldecott Medal-winning book WOLF IN SNOW

"I Am Smoke is an absolutely beautiful book, where smoke is both poetry and science. Readers will rest, float, and dance along with smoke's quiet power across time and traditions. I have lingered over its pages more than once, and I'm sure young readers will, too."- Doreen Cronin, author of the Caldecott Honor and NY Times bestselling book CLICK, CLACK, MOO: COWS THAT TYPE