Bear’s Bicycle
Laura Renauld and Jennie Poh
Beaming Books
April 2021
● 內文簡介

★Glenys Nellist、Mindy Baker、Marilou Reeder等大票童書作家大力支持
★系列第4集《Doe’s Dandelion》將於2023/03出版


可愛的「森友們」(woodland friends)又集合了!而且,他們這次準備舉辦一場熱鬧無比的腳踏車之旅!


《大熊的腳踏車》(Bear’s Bicycle)的故事,提醒我們每個人:做任何事情時,第一次都是不容易的。從書中這群「森友們」相互幫忙克服障礙的互動中,向孩童證明了毅力的重要性。



● 作者簡介

Laura Renauld,曾是小學老師。現在與丈夫和兩個兒子住在北維吉尼亞。著有繪本和《Fred's Big Feelings》。

Jennie Poh, 是一位創意人,她在薩里藝術與設計學院學習美術,並在中央聖馬丁學院學習時裝插畫。她現在住在英國薩里郡西部的城鎮沃金(Woking)。


● 媒體報導

They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in this case, you absolutely should. The whimsical illustrations by Jennie Poh bring Bear and his bike buddies to life in this sweet tale of practice and persistence. --Glenys Nellist, author of Little Mole Finds Hope and the series Love Letters from God and Snuggle Time

Bear's Bicycle reminds all of us that nothing is easy the first time we try it. Its delightful cast of characters help one another overcome obstacles and demonstrate to young readers that perseverance always pays off. --Mindy Baker, author of Mouse's Christmas Gift

Kids will experience the frustrations of learning a new skill and the reward that comes from practice and perseverance, all in the context of Bear's charming world. --Marilou Reeder, author of Willow the Armadillo and The Daring Prince Dashing

It's a message that reminds us that practice equals fun, perseverance is rewarded, and with your friends by your side, you can do anything! --Lara Ivey, librarian