Bird House
Blanca Gómez
Abrams Books
April 2021
● 內文簡介

★入選《出版者週刊》2021年編輯選書,資深編輯Stephanie Cohen盛讚:「這部作品教會了我們,那些我們深愛過的人事物都是無可取代的,但當不得不告別時,我們可以用自己的行動,帶著他們留下的痕跡,深埋在生命裡。」





● 作者簡介

布蘭卡.戈麥斯(BlancaGómez),在德國馬德里出生。當她還是個孩子時,她經常在祖母家呆著,吃著祖母做的加橄欖油的麵包早餐,並在走廊裡躲避貓,即使把頭撞到桌角,也玩得不亦樂乎。《Bird House》是她第一部同時創作文字和插畫的兒童繪本,敘述著關於她與祖母的回憶故事。她的插畫作品曾入選德克薩斯州圖書館協會2X2閱讀榜。


● 媒體報導

"A loving intergenerational relationship between a light brown-skinned narrator and their abuela is the heartening center of this tender narrative. A refreshing ending imparts a message of the significance of natural preservation and respecting animals' agency."——Publishers Weekly

"Spare, simple, first-person text, narrated from the child's point of view, leaves room for the sweet, collagelike illustrations to pull readers' attention into the story and hold them in this magical space. The illustrations exude the warmth and coziness of a dear relationship between a young child and loving caregiver, and this cherished relationship is enhanced by the new friend they make together."——The Horn Book Magazine

"Spanish author/illustrator Gómez's semiautobiographical tribute to her own abuela is a charming window into an idyllic childhood infused with love for all living things. This little gem elicits a sense of deep-seated comfort and refuge for these uncertain times."—— Kirkus Reviews

"The concise, well-worded text sets the tone and tells the story, while leaving plenty of space for the expressive digital illustrations to work their magic. Viewers can feel the chill in the winter-walk scenes and the brightness when spring arrives, but the warmth between the child and her grandmother is evident throughout the book."——Booklist

"I appreciated that this book, with its adorable illustrations and compelling messaging, was a reminder that the time we spend with loved ones is irreplaceable, but that we can carry their legacies on in our own lives and actions."——Stephanie Cohen, editor, Inkyard Press