101 Ideas Gardens
Rob Cassy
1 April 2005
● 內文簡介


part 1 the big picture

Assessing what you've got; shady gardens; balconies; roof gardens; patios, courtyards and small gardens; needs; wants; the five senses; budget; plan of action; designer secret; indoors-outdoors; texture; size and scale; odds and evens; achieve the look: formal; country; wild; minimalist; urban; mediterranean; zen; tropical; grottoes; eclectic

part 2 the getting down to the detail

Ground-level surfaces; gravel, pebbles and glass; decking; grass and grass; concrete; brick, stone and tile; boundaries; mirrors; murals; mosaics; trompe l'oeil; climbers; wall shrubs; seating; tables; creating shade; lighting; outdoor heaters; hot tubs; water features; container gardening; soft landscaping; a garden's bone structure; topiary; evergreens; choosing plants with seasonal interest in mind; annuals and perennials; scented gardens; herbs; gardens

part 3 the Keeping it fresh

chemical versus organic; warering; pruning; tools; for spring, summer, autumn and winter; clearing the clutter; storage; cleaning and protecting furniture and equipment; quick ideas for garden entertaining less is more


● 作者簡介

rob cassy is a gardener and horticultural consultant. Besides contributing articles to many journals and magazines, Rob is the author of several gardening books, has appeared on radio and television, and sets The Times Weekend gardening quiz. He live in the London Borough of Greenwich where he grows many tender and unusual plants.


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