The Gift of Friendship
Sophie Bevan
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd
20 Jul 2004
● 內文簡介

We all need friends – and to be a friend to others. In today's world, friends word harder than ever before: they are extended family, spiritual guide, and counselor all in one. Whether you're feeling low or have some great news to share, one of these kindred spirits is the first person you turn to.

This book celebrates three pillars of friendship:

Kindness –the generous spirit of a benefactor, who gives you precious time (not to mention birthday presents and lifts home);

Loyalty – the steadfastness of an ally, who will stand up for you and believe in you;

Nurture – the nourishing strength of a supporter, who will encourage you to grow, in good times and bad.


● 作者簡介

Sophie Bevan was born in Wales . She studied philosophy and then worked in mind body spirit publishing for a number of years before becoming a freelance editor and writer on astrology and self-help. She divides her time between London and the Pyrenees .

Other books in the same format available from Ryland Petes & Small: The Gift of Love by Sophie Bevan The Gift of Inner Peace by Sophie Bevan

Home Spa: Relax by Jo Glanville-Blackburn

Home Spa: Vitality by Jo Glanville-Blackburn


● 媒體報導