A Baker’s Year: Twelve Months of Baking and Living the Simple Life at the Smoke Signals Bakery
Tara Jensen
St. Martin’s Griffin
Feb. 2018
● 內文簡介



本書作者Tara Jenseny進行一個為期一年的麵包烘焙體驗生活,並透過Instagram抒發她手感烘焙心得之餘,也教導愛好者如何烘焙麵包和饀餅,在不斷嘗試中找出完美的食材、成份、火喉(沒錯,她是以傳統的木爐烤麵包:Wood fire bakery)和時間,過著簡約的生活和滿足的生活。

為什麼許多人來到北加州的 Smoke Signals Bakery朝聖呢?為什麼有超過10萬人追蹤作者的Instagram(@bakerhands)?這是因為她運用木爐烘焙出全美最精美的麵包,整個過程從製造麵團到烘烤的爐火都出於她自己雙手,讀者將深深感受到她是如何讓生活充滿熱情和活力,從深盤水果派或香脆薄餅,都讓人涶涎欲滴。除了烘焙,她也學習到簡單的生活方式,接近大地,學會餵養她的木爐。這是作者的第一本書,分享她生活的簡單哲學和珍藏的食譜。

《A Baker’s Year》按每月的順序帶領讀者感受季節性的烘焙樂趣,從冬天的華夫餅;春天的硬皮麵包;夏天的派和薄餅,到年底假期的節日蛋糕等,此外,作者還會分享她自己的生活、哀悼失去的愛情和一段新關係的建立的故事,以及如何生活在一個遠離人煙的寧靜世界。

全書配上多張美麗的圖片和插圖,《A Baker’s Year》是每位喜歡烘焙的讀者必藏之書。


● 作者簡介

Tara Jensen,是藝術家和麵包師傅。她一個人生活在Smoke Signals,位於北加州山區一家以木爐烘烤麵包的麵包店。她以個人的方法,進行12個月的專業木爐烘烤麵包試驗,並持續寫下每天的日記。烘焙現今已成為了她個人的實踐,向全球學生分享她的經驗,在不用教學時,她會花時間劈柴、混合麵團和學習觀星。


● 媒體報導

“Jensen, who owns the Smoke Signals Bakery outside of Asheville, N.C., arranges this homey, down-to-earth book by month and intersperses her recipes with short essays that offer insight into her lifestyle and baking philosophy… This cookbook will make even urban dwellers crave a night under the stars and a morning baking bread solo in a quiet, rustic kitchen.” —Publishers Weekly

“The recipes nourish body and soul, but it’s Jensen’s gorgeous, vulnerable prose, filled with heartbreak and healing, that makes this cookbook more than the sum of its parts. Jensen’s writing, like her baking, is grounded and purposeful.” —WNC Magazine

“Poetic, Personal & Profound... A Baker’s Year is an eternal and daily reminder to serve things we love in a place we love with those we love.... The name of Jensen’s bakery, Smoke Signals, is such a perfect metaphor to help us find and follow that smokey bread crumb trail of good intention and do something delicious with it....” —Chris Bianco, James Beard Award winning chef-owner of Pizzeria Bianco and author of Bianco: Pizza, Pasta and Other Foods I Like

“Tara Jensen represents an elusive ideal: the young breadmaker who structures her life around the rhythms of a wood-burning oven, not the demands of a high-volume production facility.... Her dedication shoes in each bread and pie.”—Julia Kramer on Tara Jensen for Bon Appétit