The Pollan Family Table: The Very Best Recipes and Kitchen Wisdom for Delicious Family Meals
Corky, Lori, Dana and Tracy Pollan
Oct. 2014
● 內文簡介

《雜食者的兩難》作者麥可.波倫(Miacheal Pollan)的家庭食譜!麥可波倫專文作序,名廚巴塔利(Mario Batali)盛情推薦!

在《麥可波倫家的餐桌》(The Pollan Family Table》裡,讀者首度受邀進入波倫家溫暖的廚房,在他們的餐桌前共襄盛舉。麥可波倫的寫作扭轉了無數人對飲食與文化的觀念,而他在序裡寫道,正是從小吃的家常菜啟蒙了他對食物的熱情,形塑了他的世界觀!

麥可.波倫了不起的母親Corky與姊妹Tracy、Lori、Dana在書中分享超過一百道令人無法抗拒的食譜,許多都是代代傳承的老味道,包括:香橙干邑甜酒柳橙烤雞、起司櫛瓜脆片、檸檬派(Key Lime Pie)佐核桃燕麥等等,作法簡單好上手,味道深度亦能令親友驚豔!



● 作者簡介

Corky Pollan is the author of Shopping Manhattan, food blogger, the acclaimed Best Bets editor at New York magazine, and former Style Director of Gourmet magazine.

Lori Pollan who holds an MBA, is a certified Life Coach with a focus on health and wellness, and cofounded the renowned Pollan-Austen Fitness Center.

Dana Pollan cofounded the acclaimed Pollan-Austen Fitness Center where she cocreated and produced a series of exercise videos.

Tracy Pollan is an Emmy award nominated actress who has appeared in television, film, and on the Broadway stage. She has served on the board of the Michael J. Fox Foundation For Parkinson’s Research since its inception in 2000.


● 媒體報導

“The Pollans have hit the ball out of the park with their first book, celebrating deliciously simple and poetically tasty food for my family (and everyone else's) to love every day. The shopping lists are easy and concise, the recipes simple and straightforward, and the photographs drive me insane with the urge to sprint first to the market and then to the kitchen and to start cooking right NOW. I simply cannot wait to cook from this book..”——Mario Batali