The Wisdom of Sikhism
Charanjit AjitSingh
Oneworld Publications
29 Oct 2001
● 內文簡介

For hundreds of years, the wise words of the Sikh tradition have sustained its followers around the world. With its message of equality, tolerance and unity, this progressive faith has much to offer in the way of insight and inspiration to readers of all creeds and cultures.

Drawing not only on the words of the Gurus themselves, but also on the wisdom of other great Sikh thinkers ancient and modern, this delightful anthology contains some of the most profound extracts from Sikh literature and scripture. Covering a variety of themes, it offers sage words of advice on everything from the importance of family life to the search for spiritual liberation.

For illumination, for spiritual uplift, or simply for quiet contemplation, this little volume will be treasured by its readers as a perennial source of enrichment and enlightenment.


● 作者簡介

CHARANJIT AJITSINGH has lectured around the world on Sikhism and interfaith relations. A former lecturer, principal and director, she now works as an education inspector, and has published widely in the areas of educational issues, Sikhism and spirituality in general.


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