Born to Eat: Whole, Healthy Foods from Baby’s First Bite
Leslie Schilling and Wendy Jo Peterson
March 2017
● 內文簡介

近年,許多營養師和兒科醫師贊成「嬰兒主導的斷奶方式」(baby-led weaning approach),這不僅可以輕鬆解決嬰兒從斷奶到進食固體食物的過渡問題,並證明有助嬰兒健康和親子關係。

幾千年來,人類在還沒發明嬰兒食品(19世紀才出現)之前仍能蓬勃發展,為什麼現代人類一天到晚為飲食而煩腦?在最近十數年,我們開始對飲食想太多,又過份處理我們的食物,因而引起慢性節食、慢性疾病、飲食失調,以及困惑於所謂最佳方法餵養自己和親人的流行飲食。正如本書兩位作者Leslie Schilling and Wendy Jo Peterson所說的:「吃」是人類天生的能力,我們現在被行銷方案和飲食文化影響,將它變得過於複雜化,現在應該放棄這些不必要的飲食文化。


本身是營養師和健康專家的本書作者Wendy Jo Peterson和Leslie Schilling認為,嬰兒開始食固體食物時,應該與家人同吃,進食同樣的食物,讓嬰兒主導斷奶。在《Born for Eat》一書中,作者以不同嬰兒年齡為基礎,提供有步驟的指導,幫助父母讓嬰兒從斷奶過渡固體食物,又提供以天然食物為主的簡單食譜輔助,確保你的孩子和家人更健康。


● 作者簡介

Wendy Jo Peterson,是一位營養師和烹調營養師,也是《The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Dummies》和《Adrenal Fatigue for Dummies》兩書的聯合作者。

Leslie Schilling,是知名的註冊營養師和營養專家,強調從愉快飲食,又經常應邀在報章雜誌表示專業意見,如《Women’s Health》、《BuzzFeed》、《Yahoo News》、《Huffington Post》、《USNews》,以及HGTV。


● 媒體報導

"BORN TO EAT answered all my questions about baby-led weaning. Leslie and Wendy Jo will help parents raise children who feel good about food and their bodies, which is preventative medicine at its best. I wish this book had been around when my daughter was a baby! Highly recommended for new parents.” —Katja Rowell, MD, author of Helping Your Child with Extreme Picky Eating

“What comes over in this easy-to-read book is that moving on to solid foods should be a positive experience, and that we can trust our babies to know their own bodies. By choosing healthy foods and being present and purposeful at shared family mealtimes, we can feel confident to sit back and let our children make their own discoveries and decisions—because we are all BORN TO EAT.” —Gill Rapley, PhD, coauthor of Baby Led Weaning

"BORN T EAT is the ‘what to expect’ for infant feeding. From evidence-backed recommendations to real-life anecdotes, the authors deliver simple, key steps for nurturing healthy families with simple, wholesome foods. This is the go-to guide for fostering infants and families who love food and recognize the powerful relationship it has in family life." —Katie Ferraro, RDN and founder of InGrain Health

“Problem solved! BORN TO EAT is like a trustworthy friend showing you the ropes of feeding your infant with love and compassion. As new parents, we care deeply about doing what's best for baby, but food can be especially overwhelming. Read this book and experience the joys of watching your child explore eating with curiosity and engagement. Leslie and Wendy Jo give you the information you need and the permission to make it work for your family through the years.” —Rebecca Scritchfield, author of Body Kindness