The End of Heart Disease: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Joel Fuhrman, M. D.
April 2016
● 內文簡介

★暢銷飲食健康書《How Not to Die》作者Michael Greger醫師、《血糖解方》《Eat Fat Get Thin》作者馬克海曼醫師(Mark Heyman)、《糖尿病有救了》作者尼爾柏納德醫師(Neal D. Barnard)盛情推薦



著有《傅爾曼醫生教你真正吃出健康》(Eat to Live)、《這樣吃,糖尿病消失了!》(The End of Diabetes)、《終極減肥聖經》(The End of Dieting)的紐約時報暢銷No.1作家傅爾曼醫師,在新書《終結心臟病的飲食法》(The End of Heart Disease)根據二十五年治療心臟病的臨床經驗與最新研究,提出經科學驗證可預防及治癒心臟病的革命性飲食法。顯著降低膽固醇及血壓、減重、治癒心血管阻塞,甚至能根除晚期(advanced)心臟病。

《終結心臟病的飲食法》教你如何吃對心臟最好,大幅降低心臟疾病風險,讓突發性心臟病(heart attack)機會趨近於零,且不需任何藥物。你可以:

• 降低血壓、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL cholesterol),達到正常水平
• 減重、降低體脂肪、改善第二型糖尿病
• 增強免疫功能,降低感染及癌症風險
• 保持你的年紀該有的青春活力,延緩老化速度



● 作者簡介

喬爾.傅爾曼(Joel Fuhrman),執業家庭醫師,營養專家,專精透過營養與天然方式來預防、逆轉疾病。傅爾曼醫生是營養研究基金會(Nutritional Research Foundation)的研究主持者,著有紐約時報暢銷書《傅爾曼醫生教你真正吃出健康》(Eat to Live)、《吃出健康食譜》(Eat to Live Cookbook)、《超級免疫力》(Super Immunity)與《這樣吃!糖尿病消失了!》(The End of Diabetes)、《終極減肥聖經》(The End of Dieting)。更多關於作者的資訊,請上。


● 媒體報導

“Dr. Fuhrman lays out the science of ending and reversing heart disease using the most powerful drug on the planet: food. A whole-food, predominately plant-based diet works faster and better—and is cheaper—than any currently available treatments. If you have a heart, read this book!”—Mark Hyman, M.D., New York Times bestselling author and director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine

“This empowering plan will protect and strengthen your heart and transform your overall health. I have often relied on Dr. Fuhrman’s wisdom, and now you can too.”—Neal D. Barnard, M.D., FACC, New York Times bestselling author, adjunct associate professor of medicine at George Washington University, and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

“Dr. Fuhrman lays out how a healthy diet can not only be cheaper and safer than pills and procedures for heart disease and high blood pressure but also, critically, more effective.”—Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM, founder of and New York Times bestselling author of How Not to Die