The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease
Dr. Akil Palanisamy
Jan. 2016
● 內文簡介


在《The Paleovedic Diet》一書中,綜合科醫生暨本書作者Akil Palanisamy提供一個全面的健康藍圖,利用原始飲食法(Paleo diet:水果、蔬菜、瘦肉、好脂肪等)和經時間驗證和最新科學實驗的印度傳統醫術阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)幫助你擁有最佳的健康。作者將這些複雜的醫術理論變得易於理解和易實行的方法,傳遞簡單、人性化的飲食和貼近日常生活的計劃,重塑身體內至外的健康和美態。


作者同時在書中就各種健康問題提供清晰說明,如麩質過敏(gluten sensitivity);對碳水化合物的誤解;肉食與素食之間的分別;好壞脂肪的分別;不知名的綠色食物;營養補充濟,以及腸道細菌微生物等,逐一論述。同時,提供明確的、實用的指導,告訴讀者要吃什麼、如何運動、如何睡眠、如何管理壓力,甚至如何呼吸等。



● 作者簡介

Akil Palanisamy,是一位綜合醫學醫生,混合常規醫學專業和有實驗驗證的整體分析,如功性能醫學(functional medicine)和阿育吠陀。他於哈佛大學修讀生物化學,並於加州大學和史丹佛大學完成醫科課程,是一位積極的演講者和教育家,現居於加州。


● 媒體報導

“Integrative medicine expert Dr. Akil Palanisamy makes both timeless knowledge and leading-edge research accessible in this groundbreaking and timely book. The Paleovedic Diet is rich with useful information on such diverse issues as gluten sensitivity, the human microbiome, detoxification in modern times and the rise of autoimmune disease. The Paleovedic Diet is a must-read for anyone serious about achieving optimal health and vitality.”——Andrew Weil, M.D., world-renowned integrative medicine physician and bestselling author

“The Paleovedic Diet represents the best of integrative medicine, combining ancient wisdom with modern science and functional medicine to create a definitive roadmap to health. In an engaging and easy to read style, Dr. Akil presents the most up-to-date, evidence-based health information available today. He sheds light on topics such as optimal nutrition, the 100 trillion bacteria that make up your microbiome, the best way to exercise, and powerful detox practices. He reveals the hidden healing powers of spices and shows you how to use Ayurveda to customize a diet that’s best for you. The Paleovedic Diet can help you lose weight, increase energy, and reverse disease.”——Mark Hyman, MD, eight-time #1 New York Times–bestselling author and functional medicine expert

“Dr. Akil deftly weaves the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda together with the principles of a nutrient-dense, Paleolithic diet to create a practical, individualized approach to wellness. If you’ve been looking for a way of eating and living that is tailored especially for your body and mind, this book is for you.”——Chris Kresser, LAc, New York Times–bestselling author of The Paleo Cure

“In The Paleovedic Diet, Dr. Akil integrates his extensive clinical experience, the latest scientific research, and the most effective aspects of the Paleo diet with Ayurveda, the time-tested traditional medical system of India. He has created an enlightening, customizable, and easily actionable roadmap to optimal health that will open your eyes. The Paleovedic Diet has changed my approach to healthy living—and it’ll change yours, too.”——Michelle Tam, New York Times–bestselling author of Nom Nom Paleo: Food For Humans

“The Paleovedic Diet is a powerful synthesis of the healing wisdom of a thousand years of ancient medicine and the precision and clear thinking of the best of scientific method. In elegant and easily accessible language, Dr. Akil Palanisamy makes available to us a wealth of previously unknown information about ourselves and the resolution of our most common problems. It is impossible to read this book without finding something in it that will heal you. A brilliant contribution to the health of every one of us.”——Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

“If you have been increasingly confused about what to eat, this is the book for you! Dr. Akil provides a sage and easy to follow middle way that blends the best of medical science with the wisdom of ancestral traditions.”——Victoria Maizes, MD, Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

“Long before Evolution via Natural Selection became the dominant paradigm of biology, traditional cultures developed sophisticated systems for understanding nature and human health. In India this system is called Ayurveda, which means 'knowledge of life.' In The Paleovedic Diet, Dr. Akil has integrated our original human diet (Paleo) with the insights of Ayurveda to offer a framework whereby we may optimize our nutrition and lifestyle.”——Robb Wolf, New York Times–bestselling author ofThe Paleo Solution