Beyond Bacon: Paleo Recipes that Respect the Whole Hog
Stacy Toth and Matthew McCarry
Victory Belt Publishing
July 2013
● 內文簡介

《Beyond Bacon》這本書是對豬肉的致敬!書中傳授善用全豬各部位超過一百種的食譜。特別對於採行原始人飲食法(Paleo diet)的人而言,培根往往是最受歡迎的豬肉,本書告訴你除了培根以外還有更多美味且營養價值豐富的豬肉選擇。

草地人道飼養的豬肉(pastured pork)富含Omega-3脂肪酸、共軛亞麻油酸(CLA)——即醫生建議食用的「好的脂肪」,更別說還有豐富維生素D。本書打破肉食的偏誤見解,告訴你全肉也可以打造美味的菜餚,以永續及人道飼養的豬隻為主,增進你的健康。

你會學到勝過餐廳的完美豬排、如何正確烤肉及燻肉以及自製醬料、如何自己醃培根、義大利培根(pancetta)甚至自製香腸、保存營養精華的烹調豬肉方法,《Beyond Bacon》不只是充滿創意的食譜,同時也發人深省,為大家示範如何既享受美食,也尊重為我們提供食物來源的動物。


● 作者簡介

Stacy Toth and Matthew McCarry are the couple behind the popular blog Well known for their award-winning recipes and their successes with the Paleo diet, they have been featured in national publications, live speaking events, on radio shows and videos, and television news programs. You can also find them on their top rated podcast, The Paleo View.

Their success story of drastically improving the health of the whole family and losing over 200 pounds as a couple is a testament to the power of this lifestyle. As of today the family has experienced health changes they never thought were even possible. They feel their dietary changes have saved their family.

Focusing on an accessible, sustainable, and delicious recreations of "regular" food, Matt and Stacy have authored 3 family-friendly cookbooks: Eat Like a Dinosaur, Recipe & Guidebook for Gluten-free Kids; Beyond Bacon, Paleo Recipes that Respect the Whole Hog; and, Real Life Paleo, 175 Gluten-free Recipes, Meal Ideas, and an Easy 3-Phased Approach to Lose Weight & Gain Health. The entire family loves to recreate old standard favorites in inventive and more healthful ways.


● 媒體報導

“Beyond Bacon breaks down the preconceived notions of pork that many people in the United States have come to adopt. It is not just a book filled with gorgeous recipes and photos, but a truly informative resource that will push the boundaries of what you thought you knew and give reason to start using ingredients that are fresh, wholesome, and respectful to the whole hog. Beyond Bacon is an innovative cookbook and it is astounding how many delightful dishes can be made when putting the entire hog to use. I for one, am excited to step outside of my comfort zone and begin rendering my own lard, preparing sausage from scratch, and incorporating more healthy pastured pig into my overall diet.”—— Danielle Walker author of Against All Grain

“Can you be an animal-lover AND a meat-eater? My answer is yes, and this book goes beyond (literally) what I ever could have expected to confirm that for me. We know people are crazy for bacon, but that opens the door for some seriously thoughtless consumption, tempting us to forget the lives of the animals we're eating. Stacy and Matt bring front-and-center the concepts of loving, appreciating, respecting and understanding our food. And that's what living a truly nourished lifestyle is all about.”——Liz Wolfe of Cave Girl Eats, author of Modern Cave Girl