The Microbiome Solution: A Radical New Way to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out
Robynne Chutkan
Avery, Penguin USA
August 2015
● 內文簡介






根據最新研究顯示,在我們腸內活著好幾兆個細菌,他們是身體健康的寶貴資源。在《The Microbiome Solution》一書中,作者解釋,為何現今的飲食習慣會消耗我們的腸道細菌,尤其是那些有助身體健康的「好菌」,同時,支援那些「壞菌」,讓它們過度發育。最終的結果導致腸道好與壞的細菌失衡,讓身體容易感染疾病和肥胖,並消極地影響我們的新陳代謝、荷爾蒙、食欲、免疫力,甚至基因等。


√ 為何隨身免洗潔手液和抗生素會破壤我們身體的自然保護系統;

√ 為何益菌生(prebiotics,又稱益生元、益菌質)和益生菌(probiotics)對身體如此重要;

√ 提供補充人體微生物群的食譜和成份,有助修復腸內的好菌;

√ 有關人體微生物群與大腦之間聯繫的前尖性的研究;

√ 介紹糞便移植(stool transplant:糞便治療患有嚴重細菌感染的病人)如何超強修復患有嚴重人體微生物群疾病的人。



● 作者簡介

羅蘋.庫特坎(Robynne Chutkan),是美國知名腸胃治療醫師,定期擔任健康節目【Dr. Oz】嘉賓,也是Medical Advisory Board的成員之一,參與編輯《Ladies Homes Journal》,以及DoctorOz.com的博客作家,並著有暢銷書《身體的問題,腸知道》(Gutbliss)。她畢業於耶魯大學和哥倫比亞大學,現任職喬治城大學醫院的腸胃科,同時任教於該校的醫學院,曾被華盛頓州雜誌選為腸胃科中最優秀醫生。她撰寫關於腸胃健康的文章,經常被刊登在各大報章雜誌,也經常到外地授課,包括智利、西班牙、義大利、法國和南美洲等國。她能說一口流利的法語和西班牙語。她同時是位雪板高手、馬拉松長跑選手以及具資格的瑜伽導師。


● 媒體報導

“Gastroenterologist Chutkan (Gutbliss) makes a strongly argued proposal that people should 'live dirty' and 'eat clean'...A thoughtful approach to health and wellness that’s well worth the time of readers.”──Publishers Weekly

“We are truly in the middle of an epidemic—through our diet and our lifestyle we are unwittingly destroying the good bacteria in our bodies, the crucial allies we need to arm us against disease. In this life-changing book, Robynne Chutkan gives you simple, foolproof guidance to repair this vital ecosystem and bring you optimal health every day. Read this important book and discover the small changes that can make a huge impact.”──Frank Lipman, M.D., founder of Eleven-Eleven Wellness Center and author of the New York Times bestseller The New Health Rules

“What is so groundbreaking about this book is that it shows you how to put these scientific breakthroughs into practice, step-by-step. With Dr. Robynne Chutkan as your guide, you’ll learn the essential tools to attain sustainable good health. This book is empowering, and indispensable for anyone trying to get or stay well.”──Terry Wahls, M.D., author of The Wahls Protocol

“I whole-heartedly agree with Dr. Chutkan that there is a rising epidemic of vague symptoms often attributable to a damaged microbiome, from bloating and food intolerances to brain fog and weight-loss resistance. Try her simple program – and get ready to feel the changes immediately.”──Sara Gottfried, M.D., author of the New York Times bestsellersThe Hormone Cure and The Hormone Reset Diet