Parenting While Working from Home: A Monthly Guide to Help Parents Balance their Careers, Connect with their Kids, and Establish their Inner Strength
Karissa Tunis and Shari Medini
Skyhorse Publishing
Jan. 2021
● 內文簡介



針對這種新社會現象,這本書提出全面性的指導,包括生活習慣和時間管理、協助居家工作的父母平衡工作和照顧孩子的時間、維持親子關係等。教養專家暨受歡迎親子網站創辦人Karissa Tunis和Shari Medini在書中分享許多實用建議和計劃策略,幫助你享受在家工作的親子樂,而非超負荷的工作量。


◎ 重整你的時間管理,達到既能注意你的工作,又能顧及孩子的需要;
◎ 建立專業的網絡和維特在家的生產力;
◎ 為孩子創造一個有善的環境,鼓勵他們獨立,或兄弟姐妹間互相幫助;
◎ 根據自己能力和需要進行調整,發揮最大潛能。



● 作者簡介

Shari Medini,是AdoreThemParenting.com的聯合創辦人暨作家,她的教養文章曾刊登在家媒體和出版品。她擁有兒童和家庭精神健康領域的工作經驗和背景,也是一位正念、自由作家和市場策略師,她深切明白在家工作所面對的問題,並向人提供建議和幫助。

Karissa Tunis,是一位作家、專案組織者,以及AdoreThemParenting.com的聯合創辦人。身為一位在家工作,擁有四個孩的母親,她明白家庭中心組織和時間管理的需要,並提供兒童行為觀點幫助父母成就快樂家庭。


● 媒體報導

"Whether working from home while parenting as a temporary solution or a more long-term plan, readers will get advice for finding a rhythm, maintaining positivity, and balancing everything, while still having fun."──Booklist

“This timely book will help you navigate the chaos of working from home with kids successfully. Practical tips and activities help you connect with your family, improve your personal care, and boost your work—all with a positive outlook!”──Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Solution parenting series

“Parenting While Working from Home is laid out like no book I have seen before. Every other book floods you with ideas and options, but this book gives you something simple to work on and tackle each month. It's a breath of fresh air for a working mom. I don't need more things to do, I need guidance on how to live a happier life, be a better parent, and build my business . . . and this book is the perfect field guide.”──Dana Malstaff, CEO of Boss Mom LLC

“Shari and Karissa provide tangible ways to set goals with your family, engage in epic activities and experiences, enhance the relationship with your kids, and ultimately manage the tension of the new normal while working from home.”──Justin Batt, author and founder of Daddy Saturday