I'm Ok, You're My Parents: How to Overcome Guilt, Let Go of Anger, and Create a Relationship That Works
Dale V. Atkins
Henry Holt & Company
April 2004
● 內文簡介

• Do you find yourself unable to say “no” to your parents requests for time and attention-no matter how often they visit or how busy you are?

• Does your relationship with your parents interfere with your marriage of friendships?

• Do your parents refuse to let you frow up, treating you like a “good child” or a “black sheep”?

In a reccent study, half of all Americans rated their relationship with at least one parent as either “poor” or “terrible”, and more than a third this way about both parents. As we continue to live longer and the parent-child relationship extends further into adulthood, this problem has reached epidemic propor-tion. Now, psychologist Dale Atkins pre-sents a step-by-step plan for adults trying to come to terms with parents who are demanding yet generous, infuriating yet lovable-and entirely human.

In I'm OK, You're My Parent, Dr. At-kins applies the same intelligent, no-nonsense approach that's made her a frequent guest on top-rated TV shows and explains how you can radically restructure the longest lon-term relationship of your life-with or with-out your parents' help.

With Atkins as your guide, you'll learn to formulate surefire ways to deal with your parents, become sensitive to their vulnera-bilities and sore spots, and seek “points of entry” for what were once awkward or diffi-cult conversations. Her practical, specific ad-vice shows how to effectively set limits on parents' demands for time and attention, set personal boundaries, and untangle stress-inducing financial arrangements, leaving you free to create sense of yourself as truly in-dependent.

I'm OK, You're My Parents will help you leaver behind childhood roles and fantasies about what you wish your parents were like and develop a new, empathetic relationship of equals. Drawing on Dr. Atkins's twenty-five years fo experience as a relationship ex-pert, the book is a comprehensive, articulate guide for everyone who is desperate to break free of fruitless, frustrating inerac-tions and build a life that they and their par-ents can live-forever.


● 作者簡介

Dale Atkins is a licensed psychologist, lecturer, and media commentator who ap-pears regularly on the Today show. The au-thor of five books, she has been a frequent contributor to the ladies' Home Journal, Connecticut and has a practice in New York City .


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