Rage, Rebellion & Rudeness: Parenting Teenagers in the New Millennium
Scott Wooding
Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited
May 2005
● 內文簡介

Clear explanations, Clear solutions!

For caring and concerned parents everywhere, Dr. G. Scott Wooding exam-ines teenage behavior, explains the reasons why teenagers act the way they do, and provides clear and practical solutions for dealing with teenage sons and daughters in today's complex world.

Among the topics explored in this remarkable book are:

• Teens and their friends

• Peer pressure

• Bullying and Teasing

• Self Esteem

• Depression

• Hair, Clothing and Music

• Eating Dicorders

• Piercing and Tattoos

• Teen Dating

• Part Time & Summer Jobs

• Telephone Use and Abuse

• Drugs and Alcohol


● 作者簡介

In providing specific solutions to specific problems, Wooding returns time again to the need for parents to “Stay Calm”. Nothing, he tells his readers, can ever be solved if we allow our emotions to interfere with our rationality. While there are many solutions available when it comes to dealing with the problems presented by adolescents, he reminds us, none is more important than remaining cool.

A counselor, teacher and psychologist for more than 30 years, Dr. Wooding holds an Ed. D. in Educational Psychology from Brigham Young University , an M.A. in Psychology from the University of Waterloo and bachelor degrees from both the University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph . He is the father of two grown children.


● 媒體報導