Sexploitation: Helping Kids Develop Healthy Sexuality in Porn-Driven World
Cindy Pierce
Bibliomotion Books
October 2015
● 內文簡介

★暢銷作家茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult,《姊姊的守護者》、事發的19分鐘)作者)、麥可.湯普森(Michael Thompson,《該隱的封印:揭開男孩世界的殘酷文化》作者)盛情推薦



性教育家暨本書作者Cindy Pierce指出,父母普遍傾向說服他們自己,他們的孩子是不會受到這些文化影響,等他們再大一點就會明白,又或者希望學校和衛生部門會處理這些問題。學校老師可以帶出這些話題與學生進行討論,但不免偏重於知識層面,也無法個別處理,所以從根本上建立正確的價值,父母的工作仍然很重要。父母可以及早地與孩子溝通有關男女情愛的關係,幫助青少年尋方法處理問題,糾正媒體和電玩等不良色情資訊的侵入。



● 作者簡介

Cindy Pierce,是一位性教育家,經常向父母、教育工作者和不同年齡層的學生進行演講,喜歡透過漫畫說故事傳達正確健康的性知識,並糾正充斥社會混淆視聽的情色文化。她著有《Finding the Doorbell: Sexual Satisfaction of the Long Haul》。


● 媒體報導

“Pierce cites a wide range of problematic media-driven issues for kids (e.g., hypersexualized female body images, violent masculinity) and urges parents to enter into the dialog to give their children alternative ways to behave and think. While Pierce points out seemingly insurmountable pressures on today’s youth, she devises a workable plan for guiding them toward healthy life choices.”──Library Journal

“Cindy Pierce's new book, Sexploitation, is a comprehensive, wise and sometimes alarming look at the culture of porn that surrounds our kids. Pierce is a straight talker on the subject of sex; she is also a compelling writer and she makes a strong case that parents have to be brave and to talk to their kids before the Internet introduces them to sexuality. Her book will help parents to find that courage.”──Michael Thompson, coauthor of the NYT best-seller Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys

“For every parent who's ever panicked about having 'the talk' with their child, Cindy Pierce has created a frank, honest resource to help -- and more importantly, a reminder that this isn't a 'talk' at all but rather a conversation that evolves as our boys and girls become responsible, sexually active young men and women.”──Jodi Picoult, NYT bestselling author of Nineteen Minutes and My Sister's Keeper