親子教育(Age 8+)
The Book of What If…?: Questions and Activities for Curious Minds
Matt Murrie & Andrew R.McHugh
Beyond Words Pub Co
April 2016
● 內文簡介




《假如書沒有……會怎樣?》(The Book of What If…?)絕不是提供一種全新的書面對話模式,而是幫助讀者準備多種與身邊世界聯繫更深入的新方法。



● 作者簡介

Matthew Murie is an English professor and Coordinator of Innovation for the Center for Engaging the World at Westminster College. He is also the Cofounder and Chief Curiosity Curator of the What If...? Conference. He has an MA in Teaching of English from Teachers College, Columbia University, and has over a decade of teaching experience in five countries on three different continents as a public school teacher, private academy instructor, Peace Corps volunteer, and college professor. He is the author of While You Were Sleeping and Every Day on Earth and blogs about What If...? on the Huffington Post (HuffingtonPost.com/Matt-Murrie). He lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

Andrew R McHugh is a bit of everything. He’s currently pursuing a Masters of Human Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University with the goal of working with virtual reality interfaces. Previously, he designed and built user interfaces for web and mobile applications. Before that, he cofounded What If…? with Matt and co-ran it for three and a half years. Andrew’s background is in philosophy, design, technology and people, math, and physics with undergraduate degrees from Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. He has built a bikeshare program, lead a movement for systematic sustainability change, cofounded a couple of startups, and did research with brain-computer interfaces and digital divide/differentiation problems. Andrew moves around with his partner, Abby, and their cat-child, Watson. In his off time, he listens to music louder than necessary and rides his bicycle.


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