親子教育 |
更新日期: |
2013-07-02 |
College (Un)bound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students |
Jeffrey J. Selingo |
New Harvest |
May 2013 |
256pp |
書籍編號: |
05-148 |
已有電子文稿,歡迎索稿審閱! |
● 內文簡介 |
當文憑無法換來更好的工作機會,而是滾雪球般越發沈重的貸款債務,《大學的崩解與解放》(College (Un)bound)這本書分析美國瀕臨失靈的高等教育制度,探討未來可能的轉型方向,及新科技扮演的關鍵角色。
在書中,《高等教育紀事報》特約編輯與撰述Jeffrey J. Selingo認為美國的高等教育體系已然崩壞,對文憑汲汲營營的競逐已將大學轉變為大企業學店,在扭曲的教育環境裡,中等學院收取最高等級大學的學費,卻隱瞞驚人的低畢業率事實,將不具扎實技能的學生丟到就業市場中。當然,哈佛、耶魯、安默斯特等菁英大學的學位依然搶手,他們擁有的全球聲望,高額捐贈挹注,永遠遠超出錄取名額的申請人數,使他們的頒發的門票依然有效。但多數美國人就讀的大學則需要改變,越快越好。
● 作者簡介 |
Jeffrey J. Selingo,世界高等教育權威,《高等教育紀事報》(The Chronicle for Higher Education)特約編輯撰述。經常赴全國性教育團體演講,接受廣播電視節目專訪,包括NPR, PBS, ABC, MSNBC,CBS等電台電視頻道。關於高等教育及科技的撰述刊載於紐約時報、華盛頓郵報、賀芬頓郵報等。美國國家雜誌獎(The National Magazine Awards)、教育作家協會(Education Writers Association)、美國職業記者協會(Society of Professional Journalists)、美聯社皆曾肯定過他的作品。他是獨立教育政策智庫「教育界」(Education Sector)資深研究員。
● 媒體報導 |
"Selingo envisions a fundamental shift in how degrees are awarded — not on the basis of credit hours completed but on competency demonstrated. The colleges that survive will be those, in Selingo’s words, that ‘prove their worth.’”——紐約時報書評
"[College (Un)bound] offers a primer to innovations transforming colleges as they scramble to adapt to a new market after the 2008 financial crisis."——華盛頓郵報
"Part cultural critique, part trend-spotting, and part advice for students and parents navigating a flawed system. [College (Un)bound] delivers a powerful message to colleges themselves: the system is broken, and both their success as institutions and the future success of our workforce depends on their willingness to incorporate unbundled, lower-cost systems that allow students to customize their education."——出版人週刊,星級書評
"America's higher ed system is at a crossroads today…Selingo introduces us to the students, teachers, and entrepreneurs who are rethinking our iconic vision of what college will mean for students in the next decade."——Richard Florida,《創意新貴》(The Rise of the Creative Class)作者