The Baby Signing Bible: Baby Sign Language Made Easy
Laura Berg
Avery, Penguin USA
Sep. 2012
● 內文簡介

嬰幼兒在學會說話之前,真的懵懂無知嗎?嬰幼兒專家Laura Berg根據其專業知識和長期觀察,發現嬰幼兒會使用手部和肢體語言表達自己的需要和情緒,只要加以發展,不僅能加強親子關係,也同時提升嬰幼兒的識知能力,她更到世界各地教導父母如何與嬰幼兒溝通。《The Baby Signing Bible》一書搜集了四百多種嬰幼兒最常用的表達動作,是為父母親而設的最重要親子指南。附上作者與12個月的女兒Fireese的相關影片供參考:


Featuring 400 signs, this is the most comprehensive, user-friendly handbook for parents who want to enhance communication with any child through American Sign Language.

Signing with babies is steadily increasing in popularity. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently endorsed sign language in its material for new parents, saying, "Infant sign language really does deliver on its promise of improved communication." Parents are seeing the effects
of improved communication and bonding with their infants, making baby sign language an essential skill all new parents are eager to learn.

The Baby Signing Bible is a step-by-step guide for parents, caregivers, and educators who are interested in baby sign language. In clear, accessible language, the book explains the basics of baby sign language: what it is, why it's useful, and how it can be easily and successfully taught to babies, children, and kids with special needs. Written by Laura Berg, an education expert and founder of My Smart Hands, Canada's largest baby sign language company, The Baby Signing Bible includes 400 American Sign Language (ASL) signs, real stories from parents who have successfully signed with their children and fun songs and games that parents can learn to sign and sing with their children.


● 作者簡介

Laura Berg is an education expert and the founder of My Smart Hands, 'educating young minds,' a Canadian company that teaches sign language to hearing children. Berg started her company online and over the next few years, she expanded her reach making My Smart Hands a successful brand with licensed instructors across North America and as far away as Mexico, Spain, South America, Japan, Germany, Oman, Croatia, Jamaica, and the Philippines. Berg's extensive research on the topic of signing with hearing babies has made her a "go-to" expert on the topic. She has posted several instructional videos to YouTube that have attracted more than 9 million total views. Her company has more than 160 instructors across North America who teach local classes to parents eager to communicate more easily with their young children and the My Smart Hands website generates more than 30,000 unique hits each month.

Berg has an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Child Studies from the University of Guelph, a Masters of Education from Daemen College in New York, and an ASL and Deaf Studies Certificate from George Brown College. She is the winner of multiple parenting and entrepreneurial awards including a two-time winner of the PTPA award (parent tested, parent approved) and winner of the 2010 Savvy Mom Media Entrepreneur of the Year award for Canada. She lives in Toronto with her husband and two children.


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