The Bully Action Guide: How to Help Your Child and Get your School to Listen
Edward F. Dragan
St. Martin’s Press
May 2011
● 內文簡介


身為學校安全專家Edward F. Dragan教導父母如何處理孩子在學校遭人霸凌的事件。坊間大部份著作只針對學校霸凌事件的受害兒童的心理進行輔導,忽略遇到事件時應該採取的正確處理方法。《The Bully Action Guide》一書正提供父母多個可實行的方法,並讓學校介入共同解決霸凌的問題。

根據一項學校調查顯示,有40%的兒童曾在校遭受至少一次被同輩欺凌,而經醫學研究的證實,在霸凌事件中的受害兒童的心理發展將或多或少受到傷害。除了正確的心理輔導外,本書作者Edward F. Dragan認為,父母多關注孩子在學校是否有健康的社交生活是很重要的。但若不幸地,霸凌事件發生在你孩子的身上,能在事件發生後立即採取正確的處理方法,將有效減低兒童心理的負面影響。




● 作者簡介

Edward F. Dragan 是一位擁有超過40年教學經歷的老師、校長、校監和美國新澤西州教育部官員,也是「Education Management Consulting and of Safe Schools International」機構的創辦人,現任學校霸凌事件的法律顧問。


● 媒體報導

“The Bully Action Guide is a priceless resource for any parent, grandparent and family member wanting to ensure their child's safety.” ---- Maureen Healy, author of 365 Perfect Things to Say to Your Kids

“A most important book for any parent whose child is being bullied! No other book gives parents such sensible, easy–to-follow guidance for helping a child who's being bullied, and effectively communicating with a school to end the bullying. A must-read.”---- Naomi Drew, author of No Kidding about Bullying

“Dragan’s book places into the hands of parents orderly, common sense procedures to effectively communicate with their child and with the school to end bullying. It is time for a step-by-step proven system to give parents the edge when dealing with school administrators and teachers. This book gives parents much needed tools, so that schools will not only listen to them, but act to stop the bullying for their child.”---- Brenda High, Co-director and Founder of watchdog organization Bully Police USA

“Bullying is not a rite of passage; it is abuse that must be stopped. Dragan skillfully provides “how to’s” that parents can follow to protect their children at school. Who to call, what to say, questions to ask and scripts to follow – words so potent that they cannot be ignored. You want this pro on your team in times of trouble. He is telling you exactly how schools operate and how to get what you need. Listen and be safe!” ---- Mary Jo McGrath, author of School Bullying: Tools for Avoiding Harm and Liability