The Karma of Success: Spiritual Strategies to Free Your Inner Genius
Liz Tran
July 2023
● 內文簡介



我們與生俱來擁有直覺火花——佛教稱之為「見法」(seeing Dhamma),道教則稱之為「求道」。但是,當今絕大部份的人都習慣優先考慮外部成功標誌,例如金錢、地位、高權力的職業,這些表面表現的壓力淹沒了內心的聲音。結果,我們幾乎不知道自己是誰,也不知道自己真正有能力做什麼。

在《成功的業力》(The Karma of Success)一書中,告訴你如何保持你的內心世界、你的行動和你的價值觀始終如一,你就會發現職業和個人的成功。當你學習如何了解自己內心的聲音、停止追隨他人的道路並按照自己的方式重新定義成就時,你會感到更有自信、更有能力,並享受更多的成就。

本身既是商業教練,又是靈氣治療師的本書作者Liz Tran,將指導你「精神策略的四大支柱」——探究內心、用心體現、豐富能量和變得輝煌,藉此了解如何利用自己的直覺來釋放自己的全部潛力。書中貫穿商業領袖、技術夢想家和普通人的故事,為你提供明晰洞見的指引。



● 作者簡介

Liz Tran,是一家針對執行長和高管培訓公司Reset的創始人。在此之前,她在科技行業工作十多年,而且成為一家領先的風險投資公司唯一的女性高管。她是一位訓練有素的冥想老師和靈氣大師,跟隨Samyak Ashram學習瑜伽。


● 媒體報導

“Liz Tran has the striking ability to bring our best selves within reach. Equal parts a spiritual journey and a pragmatic guide, The Karma of Success will be a treasure for anyone who is ready to unlock the true potential of their lives.”──Trinity Mouzon Wofford, cofounder and CEO of Golde

“Ambitious people often twist themselves according to what they think the world wants to see. The Karma of Success is a welcome reminder that our own voices are the best guide—and a step-by-step playbook to listening to and caring for your own intuition.”──Kirsten Green, founder of Forerunner Ventures and investor in Glossier, Ritual, and Hims & Hers

“If you’re ready to break free of the limiting, stagnant world of traditional career advice, then this is the book for you. Instead of giving us prescriptive rules on how to play by the rules, Liz takes a beautifully holistic approach that creates room for us to succeed as our fully unique and individual selves. I wish I had this book when I first started out in my career.”──Kim Pham, cofounder of Omsom