The Answers are within You: 108 Keys to Unlock Your Mind, Body & Soul
Amber Rae
St. Martin’s Essentials
Jan. 2022
● 內文簡介


這本書邀請你憑著自己的直覺而行,自由且快樂地探索自己的內心世界。作者Amber Rae透過她深具渲染力的IG帖子、改變生活的寫日記挑戰以及她的書《Choose Wonder over Worry》,持續改變上百萬人的情緒通路。現在,她帶領讀者走進一個全新的旅程,尋找我們一直在追尋的答案,不管問題是什麼。




● 作者簡介

Amber Rae,是一位作者、藝術家,以及情緒健康和自我發現的全球之聲,著有 《Choose Wonder Over Worry》一書,而文章常刊登在《紐約時報》、《紐約雜誌》、《Today》、《Self》、《財星》、《富比士》和《企業家》等,她也與許多品牌合作,包括Kate Spade、蘋果電腦、ABC和One Medical等。


● 媒體報導

“Amber Rae, as always, is the queen of presenting Big Life Truths in delightful, simple, memorable visuals. The Answers Are Within You will be a comforting friend to those who occasionally fall in the trap of comparison or worries about next steps (read: everybody!). Each page gives a gentle gift of guidance and reassurance with quotes that we can repeat to ourselves like mantras for when we feel the nudge of self-doubt.”—Mari Andrew, New York Times bestselling author of Am I There Yet? And My Inner Sky

“The Answers are Within You is a book for everyone—creatives looking to explore their art, students just starting to discern their life dreams, and entrepreneurs gathering the confidence to take their next big leap. Amber Rae gives us the courage to trust our own intuition and step into the world with wonder and joy.”—Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., Author of The Big Leap and The Genius Zone

“The Answers Are Within You is a phenomenal visual guide that can help anyone who is ready to grow deeply. Amber Rae reconnects you to a clear perspective so you can reclaim your power and allow the best version of yourself to come forward.”—Yung Pueblo, New York Times bestselling author

“I love this book! It’s like having a fantastic therapist or coach give you brilliant advice wrapped up in candy! Every time I looked at one of Amber Rae’s pieces of word art, the wisdom just jumped off the page, bypassed my brain, and landed in my bloodstream. It makes total sense to me that inspired wisdom needs to truly be delivered like this…in an inspired way.”—Tama Kieves, USA featured visionary career coach and bestselling author of A Year Without Fear and Thriving Through Uncertainty