Everything is Spiritual: Who We are and What We’re Doing Here
Rob Bell
St. Martin’s Essentials
Sep. 2020
● 內文簡介

★《享受吧!一個人的旅行》作者伊莉莎白.吉兒伯特、《為愛而戰》(Love Warrior)格倫儂.道爾.梅爾頓盛情指薦

《紐約時報》暢銷作者Rob Bell在這本新作中,揭示如何活出真正的靈性和創造力的人生!





● 作者簡介

Rob Bell,曾經是一位牧師,現在的他是全職作者和公眾演講者,在全球巡迴演講有關靈性和領導力。他的著作都是《紐約時報》暢銷書常客,包括《What We Talk About When We Talk About God》、《The Zimzum of Love》、《Love Wins》和《What Is the Bible?》等。他的播客【RobCast】更被選為2015年iTunes的最佳播客,至今仍是宗教與心靈類高點播率的播客之一,超過120萬下載率。他曾接受雜誌《紐約客》人物專訪,與歐普拉一起巡迴演出,又被《時代雜誌》選為全世界百位最有影響力的人。


● 媒體報導

“Rob Bell might have left the church, but he will always be my minister—in the purest and most uncorrupted sense of that word. Nobody else can take ancient teachings and modern science, and blend them together into wisdom that makes sense to me, and heals me. Rob’s unorthodox and bold thinking stirs my intellect, comforts my heart, and makes me believe that—within all the frightening chaos of the unknowable universe—I still have a sacred place. His work is a sacred gift to a troubled world.”──讓人聯想到伊莉莎白.吉兒伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert),《紐約時報》暢銷書《享受吧!一個人的旅行》和《創造力》(Big Magic〉的作者

“In Everything Is Spiritual, Rob Bell updates Teilhard de Chardin’s Catholic mysticism, makes sexier Werner Heisenberg’s quantum physics, and baptizes Jewish Kabbalah in an exciting vision of the future of human evolution. Bell challenges the notion that science and belief are at war with his sublime fusion of Christian faith and modern evolutionary science. Bell’s book is the perfect antidote to the plague of an evangelical worldview that is captive to imperial dreams and a literalism that kills the spirit of Christianity. Everything Is Spiritual is a bracing and stirring manifesto for a fresh contemporary vision of an ancient faith!”──格倫儂.道爾.梅爾頓(Michael Eric Dyson),《紐約時報》暢銷書《為愛而戰》(Love Warrior)作者