The Warrior Heart Practice: Change Your Story, Change your Life
HeatherAsh Amara
St. Martin’s Essentials
Jan. 2020
● 內文簡介

《大靈之藥》作者阿貝托.維洛多( Alberto Villoldo);
《死亡.奇蹟.預言》作者丹尼.白克雷(Dannion Binkley);
被改編成電影【辣妹青春】的原著《Riding in Cars with Boys》作者Beverly Donofrio


暢銷書作者HeatherAsh Amara這次帶來強而有力的新方法,讓我們跟真正的自己和內知重新聯繫,並且重新調整我們的本性。作者基於人體心臟四個心室的建構,從精神上帶領讀者穿過這四個心室——感覺(Feeling)、故事(Story)、真實(Truth)和意圖(Intent),讀者將學會評估自己目前的情緒和精神狀態,並在一個新穎、療癒之光中重構自己。



作者接受托爾提克傳統的多年培訓,曾跟隨唐.米蓋爾.魯伊茲(Don Miguel Ruiz,一名全球知名的心靈成長暢銷書作家,也是托爾提克文化最具代表性的導師)的指導,獲得他的組織全力支持。


● 作者簡介

HeatherAsh Amara,是Toci(Toltec Center of Creative Intent)的創辦人,也是《Warrior Goddess Training》系列的作者。她坦率而豐富的寫作,充滿托爾提克、薩滿教、佛教和美洲原住民儀式的智慧。


● 媒體報導

“Irresistible, engaging, and liberating in a way that only the truth can. A much-needed guide to moving beyond the chatter of the mind and the noise of the emotions to discovering true peace.”──Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. Author of One Spirit Medicine and Shaman, Healer, Sage

“In this wonderfully helpful and enlightening book, HeatherAsh Amara tells us that ‘In each moment we have the choice to wake up, reconnect to our inner light, and stop believing the stories and lies our minds tells us.’ Drawing from personal stories and deep wells of Toltec wisdom, HeatherAsh has produced a masterpiece of a guidebook to show us the way to transformation. You are ‘a brilliant, nuclear-bomb force of love and potential’ she tells us. I love hearing that, and reading HeatherAsh’s book, I believe it.”──Beverly Donfrio, author of Riding in Cars with Boys and Astonished

“HeatherAsh takes readers on a journey to truly heal our minds and emotions. The Warrior Heart Practice is a powerful inquiry practice that will help anyone, from business people to athletes, from parents to those working through trauma or abuse, and from those in recovery or in big life transition to claim their courage and power and step into their most authentic self.”──Dannion Brinkley, author of Saved by the Light

“Welcome to the evolution of wisdom! The Warrior Heart Practice is a compassionate, stunningly practical technique for self-discovery and transformation in any situation. HeatherAsh Amara is one of our most gifted and authentic spiritual teachers and her simple elegant process instantly helps us access and embody the deep insight within us all. It became part of my inner toolkit after a single reading.”──Irene O’Garden, award-winning poet, playwright, and author of Risking the Rapids

“This is a restorative book, full of the sort of wisdom and honesty that transforms life. HeatherAsh Amara shares her own story in a way that gives her the credibility as a teacher and reveals how her own extraordinary quest for healing and joy is universal. We all want what she has offered here with her trademark humility and sense of humor.”──Jacob Nordby, author of Blessed are the Weird—A Manifesto for Creatives