Building Your Dreams : Strategies for increasing professional and personal fulfilment
Luis Huete
LID Editional
November 2006
● 內文簡介


西班牙勵志成長書《 Building Your Dreams 》在 2005 年首度出版,同年,陸續出版第二、三版本,去年,推出最新的第四修正版本,每年銷量逾數萬本的長銷書。在本書中,作者告訴我們 如何在現實生活下促進夢想的轉動 。

愛因斯坦曾說過: 「當個成功的人,不如做個有價值的人。」但是怎麼做呢?擁有什麼才能算是一位有價值的人呢?自己又夢想成為一個什麼樣的人呢?這些問題的答案來自於 「 決 定」。因每個人都有夢想,而夢想是以三個要素構成:1) 個人發展 、2) 價值貢獻 、3) 外在報酬,而這本書正是教導讀者如何運用10個關鍵達到建構下的夢想:

Key 1: Dreams are built by managing polarity

Key 2: Hearing and interpreting correctly our six inner voices

Key 3: Nourishing intellignetly our emotional need

Key 4: Building our dreams also requires the use of mature defense mechanisms in the face of adversity

Key 5: Improving our daily feelings of effectiveness

Key 6: Designing a personal plan for the future

Key 7: To Avoid the behavior disorders that could jeopardize our dream

Key 8: To create a critical mass to set in motion a personal virtuous circle

Key 9: To manage relationships

Key 10:The aim is to respond to our two most important inner voices: the desire for personal progress and the desire to make relevant contributions that benefit other: social progress



● 作者簡介

Luis Huete is a professor at the IESE Buisness School (Barcelona) since 1982. He is also a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School (USA), the Insead (France) and the ESMT (Germany) and works as a consultant for over 30 companies throughtout Asia, Europe and America. He is a habitual collaborator of the Celebrity Speakers Bureau (UK). His previous publications have all become bestsellers. He is the author of eight books (published in Spainish, English, Dutch, Portuguese and French), six CD-ROMS and a video. His doctoral thesis, completed in 1988, was elected the bes doctoral thesis to be finished in the USA that year and his award-winning seminars are in high demand by companies in numerious countries. For more information please visit www.luishuete.com


● 媒體報導