Wake Up: Escaping a Life on Autopilot
Chris Barez-Brown
Penguin UK
December 2016
● 內文簡介

* 已售出12國語文版權,包括英、美、荷、德、西、波、匈、羅、阿、韓、越和馬來西亞等。



同樣的事不只發生在開車時。我們每天工作、跟摯愛的人相處或單純只是過生活時,都會遇到這種狀況。《Wake Up!》提供一系列設計來幫你擺脫這個困境的實驗。從爬樹到寫信,本書給你一年份既多元、有趣的經驗,啟發你的想像力、刺激你的感官。


《Wake Up!》提供52個簡單好玩的點子和活動,幫助我們更懂得享受生活、擺脫積習,更能察覺我們習慣忽略的奇妙事物。從爬樹到用微笑感染大家,從林中散步到每天穿同樣的穿著,無所不包。

作者Chris Baréz Brown 於2016年跟《心理學雜誌》(Psychologies Magazine)合作,對多位生活品味部落客測試其中幾項活動,獲得佳評如潮。96%試過的人說他們覺得更快樂了,92%的人強烈推薦這個方法。《Wake Up!》真正的喚醒你,讓你每一天都活得充實和有意義。


● 作者簡介

Chris Baréz Brown是暢銷作家、演說家和商業界的「披頭族」(beatnik)。他的世界觀相當與眾不同:他知道大家都是完美的。我們長大成人、社會化後,可能會埋沒這樣的才華,並往往失去真我。作者在2009年成立自己的公司「Upping Your Elvis」,幫助人們重拾內在天賦,恢復真我並變得有自信。被《衛報》(Guardian)形容為「長髮、眼神閃著光芒,相貌介於理查‧布蘭森(Richard Branson)和巫師之間」的作者,撰有暢銷書籍《Shine: How to Survive and Thrive at Work》和《Free: Love Your Work, Love Your Life》。2016年,他開始為《心理學雜誌》撰寫專欄,同時展開最新任務:The Great Wake Up!


● 媒體報導

"Fantastic book . . . really imaginative ideas, great for the new year."--Steve Wright, BBC Radio

"Author and TEDx inspirational speaker Chris Barez-Brown explains how you can be a happier person through quick routine breaks, such as simply standing up."--GQ (UK)

"[This book] reminds us that to make the most out of this extraordinary life, we need to wake up."--Red Magazine

"Author and TEDx inspirational speaker Chris Barez-Brown explains how you can be a happier person through quick routine breaks, such as simply standing up."--GQ (UK)

"A series of balanced, playful and interesting experiences that will capture your attention, engage your imagination and stimulate your senses."--Cosmopolitan Magazine(UK)

"Nutty resolutions that'll get you out of a rut: Pig out, refuse to look after the grandkids, and pretend to be someone completely different."--Daily Mail

"Wake Up! is a fantastic book and a great intro into making it a Happy New Year!"--Steve Wright, BBC Radio 2

"Another year has gone by and you haven't managed to achieve what you want to, Chris Barez-Brown is here to help us escape our autopilot . . . everyone is smiling here thinking that it's true, we all need to do that."--Kate Silverton, BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live

"Some self-help books fail to stay with you. Chris Barez-Brown, however, grabs you by the scruff of the neck and slaps you across the face via a series of experiments and challenges, all with a view to waking you up. You'll watch no TV for a week, walk through a wood, make a paper airplane and generally be a bit more awake."--Balance Magazine (UK)

"[This book] reminds us that to make the most out of this extraordinary life, we need to wake up."--Red Magazine

"Barez-Brown is asking us to take a look at our lives and ourselves, and to make active choices rather than drifting along and doing what's simply expected of us. As he says in the book: 'Time is limited. Let's not waste it.' Words to live by."--Get the Gloss

-Author and TEDx inspirational speaker Chris Barez-Brown explains how you can be a happier person through quick routine breaks, such as simply standing up.---GQ (UK)

-A series of balanced, playful and interesting experiences that will capture your attention, engage your imagination and stimulate your senses.---Cosmopolitan Magazine(UK)

-Nutty resolutions that'll get you out of a rut: Pig out, refuse to look after the grandkids, and pretend to be someone completely different.---Daily Mail