The After Death Chronicles: True Stories of Comfort, Guidance, and Wisdom from Beyond the Veil
Annie Mattingly
Hampton Roads
Oct. 2017
● 內文簡介


在《The After Death Chronicles》一書中,作者向讀者訴說她的經歷:某天的早晨,她死去的女兒跟她說話,那次溝通從此改變了作者,她開始分享她的經驗,更令她驚訝的是,她發現與死者溝通在當今如此普遍,於是她開始聯絡與她同樣有摯愛離世經歷的人,找到大家都有類似與死者溝通的經歷。




● 作者簡介

Annie Mattingly,擁有意識研究碩士,是位教師、雜誌出版人和臨終關懷自願者。作者網站:www.anniemattingley.com


● 媒體報導

"In this luminous collection of stories, Annie Mattingly weaves a net of solace and insight for those of us left behind by beloveds who have died. This book blesses those moments of sweet synchronicity when the natural world becomes a portal to the place where our loved ones have gone, and through which they remain ever available to us. The After Death Chronicles reminds us that our task is simply to be present for these encounters and allow ourselves to harvest countless gifts from beyond the veil." — Mirabai Starr, Dark Night of the Soul: John of the Cross, and Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation

"You don’t read this book, you savor it: every morsel of it, every tear, every laugh, every pulse-pounding story from people so real you feel yourself akin to them. And you fall in love with Annie, snuggle right up to her and share your uttermost feelings and fears. The After Death Chronicles is not like any other afterdeath/afterlife book, nor is it really about mediums or contact with the dead. It’s about real folk, Annie’s people, who show you what life is and how life is lived – with or without the need to breathe." — P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., Future Memory, and Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story