《The Seven T’s》治鬱失去所愛的悲傷
The Seven T’s: Finding Hope and Healing in the Wake of Tragedy
Judy Collins
May 2007
● 內文簡介

發行了43張專輯,也是葛萊美獎入圍歌手和填詞人Judy Collins,是舞台上耀眼的成功藝人,但在她心愛的兒子自殺身亡後,她始終無法拔出插在心中深處那根「失去最愛的人」的悲傷的刺。
許多人在面對永遠失去最愛的人後,不管是失去親人或是朋友,常常顯得無助,且永遠無法走出傷痛。本書作者Judy Collins藉由自己成功逐步走出悲痛的經歷,提出了自己受用的七種有效治療(7 T’s):

TRUTH:Tell it. Regardless of how terrible the facts may be and how hard it is to talk about, don't hide the truth about how you lost the person you loved.

TRUST:Allow it. Don't let the painful circumstances surrounding the death of your loved one prevent you from talking with friends about your loss.

THERAPY:Get it. Seek help-whether through traditional talk therapy, your art, meditation, or whatever method you choose-but get the help you need.

TREASURE:Hold on. Don't stop treasuring your loved one. Don't let the horrible events leading to his or her death wash away all of the things that were good and beautiful about that person's life.

THRIVE:Keep living with your eyes wide open. Don't give in to the temptation to use alcohol or any other addiction to blunt or blur your sadness.

TREAT:Be kind to yourself. Give yourself the gift of self-nourishment.
Triumph:You must. Live a life of joy, abundance, and forgiveness.


● 作者簡介

Judy Collins has recorded forty-three albums over her long and illustrious career. With several top-ten hits, Grammy nominations, and gold and platinum albums to her credit, she now also has her own label, Wildflower Records. The author of Sanity and Grace, and Morning, Noon and Night, Collins lives in New York City.


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