Find Your Brave: Courage to Stand Strong When the Waves Crash In
Holly Wagner
Waterbrook Press
Jun. 2016
● 內文簡介

Holly Wagner is a pastor in California and has had a very nice following with her previous book series, Godchicks. She is well-connected with influencers throughout the Christian community—some people in her network include Steven Furtick and Brian and Bobbie Houston of Hillsong. She is viewed as someone who is completely relatable, approachable, and a true inspiration for people everywhere—particularly women facing a personal crisis or challenge.

Some of the worst decisions we make in life are those made under pressure, when things we hold dear seem to be threatened. In this book, pastor and speaker Holly Wagner brings her fresh, energetic voice to the perennial topic of facing life's challenges--from broken relationships and shattered dreams to health crises and financial disappointment. Weaving her personal experience together with biblical insights from the apostle Paul's shipwreck, she gives readers practical ways to anchor their lives in God and avoid being blown off course by the storms of life.

Holly is no stranger to life’s challenges. All within a span of a few years, she was forced to navigate her way through both her cancer diagnosis, as well as her husband’s, a trying financial situation, and betrayal from a loved one. During her storm, she could have given up, but instead she found her brave and chose joy. She was determined to be grateful for the good and not the bad. This book equips readers to deal with those inevitable challenges and emerge stronger than ever.


● 作者簡介

Holly Wagner is a copastor of oasis Church in California, and reaches thousands of women each year through conferences, books, and other resources. She is known for her challenging, humorous style and honest approach to real-life issues. She and her husband, Philip, have two children.


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