The Touchstone Tools: Building Your Way to an Inspired Life
Joseph Holland
Grand Harbor Press
Oct. 2015
● 內文簡介


本書作者Joseph Holland是社區創業家、律師、作家、牧師,投身草根運動三十多年,致力改善紐約哈林區遊民的生活。他不懈的努力揭示了一個關鍵真理:唯有穩固的基礎價值,人才能擁有自我實現的豐足的生命。作者汲取自身體悟的智慧,歸納設計出一套清晰實用的方法,幫助所有人建立堅實的精神與道德基礎,面對困厄也能美一天充滿力量、啟發,堅持實踐使命與夢想的道路。

《The Touchstone Tools》融合邁向成功的工具準則、深入人心的勵志話語以及作者投身奉獻的生命故事,每一章闡明一項達成個人轉變的工具,這十個重要工具包括:責任、夢想、自尊、自律、人際、計畫、工作、資源、愛、信仰,這些不只是空泛的道德戒律,是有架構的改善精神生活的方法,是一本幫助希望嘗試改變觀點,真正轉變生活的人們的實用引導書。


Introduction: The Missing Toolbox

Tool 1: Responsibility—The Tude: Building Positive Attitude
- Take Ownership
- Take Initiative

Tool 2: Vision—The Picture: Building Self-Motivation
- Focus Your Vision
- Face Your Valley
- Fuel Your Victory

Tool 3: Self-Esteem—The Passion: Building Self-Confidence
- Conceive of Yourself as Important
- Commit to Your Passion

Tool 4: Discipline—The Poem: Building Perseverance
- Endure Your Short-Term Pain
- Embrace Your Long-Term Gain

Tool 5: Association—The Fellowship: Building Constructive Relationships
- Flee Your Menace
- Fence Your Mystery
- Find Your Mentor

Tool 6: Planning—The Pencil: Building Priorities
- Reckon with Your Ghosts
- Ride on Your Ground
- Reach for Your Glory

Tool 7: Work—The Compass: Building Integrity
- Foster Your Character
- Forge Your Career

Tool 8: Wealth—The Opportunity: Building Resources
- Sow Your Talent
- Seize Your Time
- Save Your Treasury

Tool 9: Love—The Song: Building Holistic Devotion
- Love Your Body
- Love Your Soul
- Love Your Neighbor

Tool 10: Faith—The Net: Building Inner Strength
- Build Your Net
- Believe in Miracles

Conclusion: What’s in Your Toolbox?


● 作者簡介

Joseph Holland,社區創業家、律師、作家、牧師,三十多年在法律、商業、社區服務、政府各種領域的草根工作經驗。康乃爾大學碩士與學士畢業,在校時是全美明星足球員,擁有哈佛法學院學位。因商業與社會服務成就獲得無數殊榮,1993年,美國總統柯林頓在白宮親自接見他,肯定他的社區營造計畫。他改善遊民生活的行動衍生出Holistic Hardware的生活技能培育計畫,並與人共同創立Beth-Hark基督教諮商中心。他在2012年出版心靈回憶錄《From Harlem with Love》。


● 媒體報導